Yokai Carnival (Part VI)

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"Why is she crying?" Rikuo wondered. He let loose his arms on Tsurara and jumped down from the tree. Tsurara stayed there on the branch, not willing to confront the girl.

Rikuo walked towards the crying girl gracefully and knelt beside her. He put his hand on her back and patted her lightly without making any sound. The crying girl, Kana, looked up with her watery eyes.

"Who are you?" she asked without recognizing the person. She could only see a blurry man wearing something black. Rikuo didn't say anything. Kana wiped her tears and rubbed her eyes. She was trying hard to breathe. She looked up again and this could tell who was kneeling beside her.

"You?" she whispered. She couldn't take it anymore. She wrapped his arms around his waist and started crying. Rikuo quietly patted the girl.

Meanwhile, Tsurara jumped down from the tree and searched for a place to hide. Kana should not see her here. Even if Rikuo couldn't make out the reason for Kana's tears, Tsurara knew very well. She unwillingly climbed the mountain and found stairs to the carnival. She ran up the stairway, tripping and falling, yet struggling to get out of sight. If she hadn't promised Rikuo-sama to protect Kana, she wouldn't have been running away right now. She would have instead stayed there with Rikuo-sama without caring that Kana was getting jealous of that. She has to keep her promise, even if it would cost her life.

_ 0 _ 0 _

Kana quieted down with every second and pulled away from Rikuo. She bent to her right and looked past Rikuo's should to the tree branch, no one was there. She frantically looked around herself, searching for Oikawa-san. She wasn't anywhere!

"What are you searching for?" Rikuo asked. He looked around as well and didn't find anyone. Suddenly his heart-throbbed as he turned to look at the tree. Tsurara wasn't there or anywhere else! A crease formed on his forehead.

"Oikawa-san..." Kana whispered but after realizing her words, she added, "I mean... Yokai...I came here to rest but got scared alone"

"You don't live here" Rikuo said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah... I actually came with the Kiyotsugu squad in the search of Yokai... he said there is a carnival near somewhere and that we wouldn't be able to see it in our whole lifetime but now" Rikuo stood up and looked up at the mountain. He still couldn't see her. 'Where has she gone?' he thought to himself.

Kana stood up and pulled at his sleeve. He turned to look at her.

"May I ask you something?" she whispered. Rikuo raised an eyebrow.


"Why are you in a tux? Is a carnival really being held?" she asked.

"It would be better if you don't know and even better if you don't go in search of any Yokai. Stay in your own world. Don't walk towards the dark" he picked her up and ran down the mountain to where Maki and Torri along with Kiyotsugu and Shima lay. He whistled.

Kana had her eyes on him the whole time.

The ride came and he put her on it along with the other humans present. He got on the ride and ordered it to fly towards the East, where a railway station was. He got the sleeping humans down the ride and picked up Kana. He put her down on her feet. He was about to leave when Kana held his hand. He looked at her. She was blushing lightly.

"I... I don't want to stay...away from...dark... I want to... know you... can't you stay longer?" she asked. Rikuo puller her hand away from his.

"It'll be too dangerous for you if I stayed. A train will be arriving here in and hour or so. Catch it as it will get you all back home" he replied and got back on his ride. "Farewell" he flew away.

Just then Kiyotsugu's eyes fluttered open.

"What are we doing here?" he yelled when he had took in his surroundings. "Kana?" he yelled but she didn't hear. Her hands clasped on her chest as she looked up where he disappeared. Can she really not be with him just because they were from different worlds? A tear escaped her eyes.

Kiyotsugu didn't pay anymore attention to her and woke the others.

"Come on! We have to run or else we won't make it! Maki bring Kana along" he ordered. Maki shook Kana.

"Hey Kana-san, what's the matter?" Torri asked.

"Nothing... guys, I don't think we must go there" she replied.

"Of course we must!" Shima said and started running after Kiyotsugu.

"Come on Kana!" Maki said and pulled her.

_ 0 _ 0 _


"My, my, isn't he the grandson of Nurarihyon?"

"Yup, the boy has the same hair as he used to have"

"Well, what else can you expect?"

"Yeah, who else is going to have a human girlfriend?"

"And a Yokai girlfriend as well, that also Yuki-onna, Setsura's daughter"

"He really is following his Grandfather's steps"

Irritated by the speech, Rikuo's eyebrows furrowed and his nose flared. Yup, he was very much angry.

"Who are you two?" he yelled after turning to look at them.

A Yokai with big feathers was carrying an Ayakashi.

"You heard us? That's bad manners, haven't your human friends taught you that when two others are speaking, others shouldn't listen or interfere?" the Ayakashi mocked.

"Shouldn't you take care not to follow anyone?" Rikuo commented.

"But we are pure Yokai which you aren't" the flying bird replied.

"Don't interfere Ametori*, when two Princes are talking" the Ayakashi scolded lightly.

"I apologize master!" Ametori bowed his head.

"It's alright" Rikuo ignored them and ordered his ride to fly faster. "Oh come on, what's the hurry? Or you're searching for Tsurara?" Rikuo's eyes widened and he asked his ride to halt.

"How do you know her?"

The Ayakashi smirked.

"Well, well, aren't you too worried about her?"

"Answer me!"
"Alright, since you are begging, I will. She is my childhood friend. Any problem? Well you shouldn't have since you left her to get injured, you surely care more for your human friends" he snickered.

"Childhood friend?" Rikuo repeated under his breath. This was something he didn't know and was furious since this was never mentioned to him. "Where is she? Why is she injured?"

"Farewell kiddo, I want to reunite with my friend, I don't have time for your questions. Faster, Ametori"

"Yes master" and both the Ayakashi and Ametori were gone. Rikuo soon followed.

_ 0 _ 0 _

Ametori landed on the ground and the Ayakashi jumped from his back. Rikuo followed.

"Oh son Kazuma" Nurarihyon called.

"Please to meet you Nurarihyon-sama" the Ayakashi, Kazuma, replied and bowed down.

"Kazuma?" Rikuo muttered in confusion. Who was he?

Nura: The Rise of the Yokai Clan (Rikou Nura x Oikawa Tsurara)Where stories live. Discover now