Yokai Carnival (Part IV)

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The universe was created and then the solar system and Earth. God was really happy with his masterpiece and wanted someone to enjoy it. He wanted someone to love him, someone whom he would be with always. He then created life on Earth. He created humans, who would know what is right and wrong, who would believe that he exists. Many a times he would visit Earth and meet his children. He was always there to help them and enjoy with them. God was really happy. He felt the same way we do when our story is read and reviewed.

Since God was really happy with His children, He used to grant their wishes. One time a man and his wife asked God to grant them a power to be extraordinary. God asked them the reason for this. He didn't want to differ His children. He wanted them to be equal. No one can lie to God. As soon as they couple's heart and mind crossed with the reason, God very well knew their wrong intentions.

The couple's wish was to have a fantasy world of their own. They wanted to rise high and rule the world. God was enraged but He didn't kill them. He decided on punishing them. He created two new places out of this universe – Heaven and Hell. He knew that soon enough some other will start thinking the same way as the couple so he made the place Hell where he decided to send them. He sent a good person's soul as a captain of that place who would take care of the bad souls and teach them the right things.

But everything didn't turn out the way it should have.

The bad souls were able to manipulate their caretaker's soul and create something of its own that would rule the world. Just like God had created light, those souls created darkness. In the process of creating darkness and overpowering light, a disaster took place and every preparation they made were destroyed. In this particular disaster, new life was born on Earth, the Yokai. Those Yokai were no new beings, they were the bad souls from hell. Though Yokai were the embodiment of darkness, because the disaster happened when the preparations were not fully complete, they merged with the light.

Wherever there was light, a shadow was cast by some or the other body or object. That's when the universe turned black. It was just because of the stars that shined in the space that the world was still alive. Little did the dark souls knew, if it would have turned completely black, none of them would have survived since everything would have gone off-balance. Light was the source everything worked on.

Since being merged with light, the Yokai weren't all bad people with no heart. Yokai merged with humans in the accident, had a heart and could fall in love and have other feeling like the human did. But still a lot of Yokai were there who had no heart and some didn't even have a proper mind (because of incomplete preparation).

The first Yokai was the couple who had wished to be extraordinary. Because of the disasters, their body and soul merged together to create one being. Since their merge they created a yokai called Amanojaku* which then lead all the other Yokai (The clan was known as Amanojaku as well, after the name of the Yokai).

In that era, the Yokai used to terrify humans a lot. Night was like a nightmare for the humans and they stayed closed in their homes. They wouldn't make a sound and won't even look at their dear ones, in case a Yokai had taken over them. The fear was too much at that time. Soon the humans got tired and tried many ways to harm the Yokai but they were unsuccessful.

Because of humans' failed attempts the Yokai started have the idea that they were immortal. But water was thrown to their fire when Amanojaku, they leader died after 400 years. They thought that humans killed him but that wasn't the case. The Yokai started subdividing and formed many clans who fought with each other. Because of the fight for the King's chair, they forgot their enmity with humans. To them their real enemies were Yokai from other clans.

Meanwhile all this was going on, God was doing His own preparations secretly. He created new beings, the Shinigami. They were humans with extraordinary power who could take control on the Yokai. Their main motive was to extinct the darkness.

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