The Fashion Yokai

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The Nura mansion was currently basked in the soft orange glow of the sunset. Tsurara was sweeping leaves in front of the gates when she saw a figure approaching the mansion. Switching to high alert mode, she looked at the figure with caution.

Upon further examination, she noticed that the person appeared as if she had just stepped out of a woman’s fashion magazine. She was dressed fairly extravagant in a white pencil skirt that reached her knees with many jewels adorning her. She was wearing black sunglasses and white leather gloves and carrying what was most likely a design name bag. It was such a Western look in the traditional Japanese home that Tsurara was momentarily stupefied by the foreignness.

As the figure approached Tsurara, she took off her sunglasses and shook her sleek black hair out of her face. That’s when Tsurara realized that the person was not a person at all. Her eyes were golden and her pupils were slit. She was a demon, and a fashionable one at that.

“How may I help you?” Tsurara asked nervously.

“Hello, darling. My name is Yui and I am a world renowned yokai in the fashion industry. With the recent revival of the Nurarihyon clan, I was wondering if I could have the pleasure of doing business here,” Yui spoke eloquently.

“Y-yes. Right away, Yui-san,” Tsurara then hastily ran for the master. With her young master nowhere in sight, she opted to notify Nurarihyon instead.

“Master! There’s a yokai fashion designer who would like to do business with our clan!”

That sure piqued his interest. Suddenly, he was lost in his world where everyone of the clan’s demons was wearing something cooler than the “fear” stamped on all their clothes. Smiling widely, he welcomed her in.

“Thank you very much,” Yui said. As she stepped within the gates, she looked around and silently scouted all of the demons in sight.

“Hmm... I was wondering if I could use one of yours as a model,” she asked.

The first leader nodded sagely and gave her the thumbs up.

Glancing up and down at Tsurara and simultaneously walking in a circle around her, Yui motioned her approval.

“Yes, this one will do.”

Tsurara immediately waved her hands up in the air in refusal. With a light blush on her face, she uttered “N-no, I possibly couldn’t have such an honor.”

Slyly, Yui said, “Oh come on now. Don’t you have a man’s attention you want to catch?”

That hit the mark. Tsurara froze and her face lit up with a blush redder than a tomato.

“Okay!” she shouted and ran towards one of the guest rooms.

“It’s so fun to mess with the shy ones,” Yui giggled. Mentally applauding her business persuasion skills and finer woman’s intuition, Yui quickly strode across the yard to the where Tsurara was. Yui opened and slid close the shoji doors before looking at Tsurara once again.

“Now let’s get started,” she said as she grasped Tsurara’s obi.

Nura: The Rise of the Yokai Clan (Rikou Nura x Oikawa Tsurara)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن