Twelfth Passion

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A few days passed since the passionate night Zane and Amaya shared. She could still feel the tingles he sent through her body even when he wasn't touching her. Every night since he would make her body burn as he made her cum over and over. The way he touched her made her feel alive, on top of the world. Zane wanted to wait until he knew she was fully recovered before they had sex. He wanted to fulfill her wish for everything to be perfect.

The therapist worked with her every day since she came home and was very surprised how fast Amaya bounced back since the incident. Amaya admitted a lot had to do with Zane. She didn't want to let the incident make her a victim. Some people would have gone into a total spiral, but Amaya wasn't going to let that happen to her. The doctor agreed and said that having a good support system was also a huge factor. But she also wanted Amaya to overcome one last obstacle before she closed the book on her therapy. Amaya had to go back to the apartment. The thought of going back still made her feel uncomfortable, but she knew if she was able to go back things would be better. The worst thought was if she was able to go back, would Zane want her to move back to her place. He wouldn't want that, would he? Her mind spun the question around the entire time Amaya and the doctor were heading to the apartment. As they went up to the stairs the therapist walked her through all of the emotions that threatened to rear their heads. Amaya stood in front of her apartment door, the key in her hand, shaking slightly. No. She had to do this. She had to get better. Amaya steeled herself as she slipped the key inside and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, no fear overcame her. Standing in the doorway, she looked inside the living room she shared with Anya.

"Ama?" a voice called out; her roommate peeked out from over the couch with a smile "I'm so glad to see you!!" She jumped up and hugged Amaya. She didn't know they would be there while she was still home. Anya worked as a physical therapist at the hospital, so she was rarely ever home.

Amaya was happy to see her roommate again. "I'm great. This was my final step." She looked over at the doctor.

The two talked for a moment before Anya had to get to work. The doctor sat her down and explained the exit counseling to say she was okay. But if things seemed to fall back to contact her. Amaya was relieved, she felt like she would be able to go back to work. As they left, she took one last look at the apartment with a soft smile. No fear, no dark thoughts. She felt at peace.

Amaya made her way down the sidewalk, her music on. There were no feelings of being watched or followed. It was a beautiful day, and she stopped by the store on her way back to Zane's apartment. He was working late, and she decided she would make him a nice dinner and tell him the great news. Amaya couldn't wait to go back to work, she wanted her routine back. She missed her customers and her best friends. They came to see her, but it wasn't the same as when they worked. Amaya wandered the aisles of the store picking up ingredients to make him a banging dinner she couldn't help but smile. It felt nice to be able to do something for him. She loved him; even if he didn't feel the same way. She still planned on giving everything to him, even knowing, in the end, she would end up heartbroken. Or at least that's how she felt things would end up. When she confessed to him, he never said anything back. Standing at the checkout counter, Zane sent her a message checking in on her while he was on break.

'Hey, Baby. How are you feeling?' His message read.

She smiled softly as she walked out of the store. Maybe she was over thinking everything. He made her feel loved, maybe he just hadn't said it yet. 'Better. I have a surprise for you <3' She hit send. Popping her headphones back in, she enjoyed her walk back to his apartment. Her phone vibrated in her pocket once again.

'And I have one for you.'

Amaya felt her face heat up, wondering what he meant. Did he mean that?

Once back at the apartment Amaya made herself busy, straightening up and preparing dinner. She was able to finish up just as her sexy cop waltzed into the apartment. "Wow! Somethin' smells good." Zane sniffed the air as he kicked off his boots and unbuttoned his shirt.

Smiling over at him as she set down the plates, Amaya skipped over to him, "I made you dinner!" Her eyes glittered up at him.

Zane gave a cocky grin and kissed her, his hands slipping over her ass. "Did you now?" he purred, "Here I thought you were my meal, looking yummy like that." He peered down at the tank top and wrap skirt she had on. "You look sexy, baby." Amaya loved it when he called her baby. It sent butterflies through her stomach and made her tingle.

" wasn't trying..." Stammering Sane threaded his fingers through her loose locks and kissed her hard, needing and demanding. His tongue grazed over hers, and a low sensual sound rumbled through him. Amaya clung to him and pressed herself against his chest. "Z-Zane..." she said breathlessly, her body was hot and achy.

Zane stared down at her with a smirk, "A man could get used to coming home to this." his hands smoothed over her ass, then squeezed. "How was your day, baby?" they walked to the dining table. Zane's mouth watered at the sight of black pepper lemon chicken and asparagus. She even had a beer set out for him. His lip twitched with another smirk. She was perfect.

"Wonderful actually." She beamed up at him, "The therapist cleared me. I'm normal again." She joked, "I can go back to work! She told me my bounce back was one of the most extraordinary recoveries she has ever dealt with." Sitting down she smiled happily. The nightmares were also gone. "It's all thanks to you, Zane..." she blushed.

Sitting across from her, he looked at the delicious looking meal, then back up at her when she thanked him. The smile she wore made his heart skip. Her smile was back. The genuine, carefree woman he desired was back. "That's fantastic! I'm glad to see you back to your old self." he paused, "I was worried I'd never see your smile again." Zane admitted.

Amaya blushed again at his words. "Going back to my apartment was really huge. I was terrified it would set me back." she picked at the food, "I am really happy Anya was there, it seemed to lighten the air." She let out a deep breath and took a bite. She was even able to eat again. Everything was falling back into place.

Zane watched her, something in him felt uneasy, "You're not thinking of moving back...are you?" In all honesty, he didn't want that. "I want you to stay here." he rubbed his neck, fighting the blush that threatened to turn his face. And he did. He didn't want her to leave.

Amaya stopped mid-bite, "R-really?" she was a bit surprised; she had assumed he would want her out as soon as she was better.

" ARE my girlfriend." Frowning Zane continued, "If you want to move back, I won't stop you...but I would feel better if you were here. With me." He had never lived with a woman before, but he loved it. Loved the idea of coming home at night to her bright smile and amazing food. The idea of coming home to all that, then making love to her well into the night, having her screaming his name until her voice gave out. Making love. When did that change? Love...the idea didn't seem to bother him like it first did.

Her wide eyes stared at him as he began tearing into the meal, "Oh! Well...if that's the case then I'll stay!" she smiled brightly.

Trying to hide the blush that continued to fight him, Zane continued eating. He couldn't stop. "Fuck this is amazing..." he said with a moan, he'd never had a woman make him dinner like this before. Amaya was wife material. "So, I also have a surprise for you." Amaya looked up at him inquisitively. "Chief Logan has a lake house up north...and," Zane held up a key, "I have the entire weekend off." He gave a mischievous smirk. 


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