Third Passion

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The restaurant came into view and Zane pulled in, finding a premium spot. "Looks like we beat the rush." He smiled and got out. Amaya followed behind, "Haven't been here in a while, especially with a lady."

"Not fancy enough?" Amaya joked as they walked inside.

She was not far off with her statement, "Actually, you're right...lots of women want to be wined and dined." Or just fucked senseless. But he kept that to himself. "It's nice to go someplace and relax with a basket of wings and a beer. And fun conversation." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she was tiny compared to him. "I feel more comfortable like this, honestly."

Amaya brushed against him as they walked with his arm around her. Zane was warm and smelled amazing, exotically spicy. She wanted to melt against him. "I agree, fancy is nice if the occasion calls for it. But I would rather come to a place like this. Cheap food is the best." The hostess sat them at a booth near a window. The restaurant was getting packed with people watching the games that were happening. Amaya sunk into her seat across from him, she didn't even need to look at a menu. She hummed as he scanned through his. He could never decide what he wanted.

Zane watched her curiously as her eyes wandered around the room and she rocked in her spot. She was different than other women. She was sweet, not corrupted by the world it seemed. As a cop, he saw a lot of bad. She made him believe good people still existed. Her bright eyes met his and she smiled happily. Good did still exist. Especially in her.

Amaya's eyes glittered brightly. He never met someone with two different colored eyes. "What 'cha starin' at?" she cocked her head to the side, a soft smile on her lips. Lips he wanted so badly to taste. Lips he wanted screaming his name as he took her hard and fast against his wall.

"You're eyes." Zane said cooly, "Never seen anything like it." They stared into each other's eyes. There was definite heat between them. Enough to start a fire.

Looking away with a nervous laugh, Amaya stared at one of the TVs with basketball playing, "I get that a lot...Not really sure how it came about. My mom has brown eyes." She looked back over at him as she continued, "Could be my dad...whoever he might be" Amaya's mom never mentioned him or gave any hints as to who he was. Her perfect mother had made a mistake when she slept with whoever her dad was. But she always said it was the best mistake she ever made. Amaya seriously doubted it. Her mom and she never saw eye to eye once Amaya discovered her passion for art. She knew her mother wanted what was best, but she wanted to live her life happy. Not miserable. Amaya didn't care who her real dad was, her stepdad had really stepped up when Amaya was 7 and he raised her as his own. She loved him dearly. She loved her mother too, even if she was a hardass.

Just then a young man who had shaggy brown hair and goatee came to get their orders. Something seemed very off about him, and the look he gave Amaya made her gut clench uncomfortably. "What can I For drinks." the man asked in an odd way. Zane frowned; he didn't like the vibes that were coming off him. It was making him uncomfortable too.

"I-I'll have...l-lemonade...Zane?" Amaya darted her gaze away from the waiter, who didn't stop staring at her.

Zane glared at the guy, "I'll have a Miler lite." he needed a beer...or a few shots. He was an Alpha male. Even though he knew this guy stood no comparison to him, he felt the need to mark his territory. He wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, maybe the kid had some sort of disability.

The guy wrote down their drinks and walked off, not taking his eyes off Amaya. "T-that was weird..." she ducked her head down, suddenly feeling dirty from the look he was giving her. Once she knew he was gone she looked back up.

Zane glared, "Should we leave? I don't like the way he's staring at you." He wanted to get up and report him to the manager. Amaya shook her head, trying not to let it ruin their dinner.

A few minutes later he walked back with their drinks. "You know what you'd like to order?" He asked looking at each of them. His demeanor changed but still made her uneasy.

"I'll get the hot BBQ wings with fries. Ama?" Zane smiled up at her curious to see how she was going to eat on a date versus in a group. They had gone out plenty of times with everyone and she never seemed shy about her food.

"I'll have the same, but may I get boneless?" She asked, trying to be polite despite her discomfort.

"Yes, you may, milady." he gave a strange bow and walked off towards the kitchen.

Zane watched him leave with a bewildered look, "The fuck is with this guy?" he was becoming irritated again. This was the worst service he had ever had.

"M-maybe he is challenged? Like a mental disability?" She tried to reason with it. She didn't want to be mean if it was something he couldn't help. But she had also never seen him here before. And she came quite often. "He seems off...he could be handicapped and can't help it..."

The waiter didn't come back for a while, which allowed the two to chat and enjoy their time together. A different person brought out their food, stating that the waiter went home due to not feeling well. The two decided he wasn't well, and that was why he was acting strange. People did odd stuff if they had a fever or something.

Amaya tore into her wings like a hungry dog since she skipped lunch and hadn't eaten since breakfast. Wings were one of her favorite foods. Zane was a bit surprised when she ate nearly all of them.

"Most women eat like birds...I like that you don't." Zane said, taking a drink of his beer. She had a big grin on her face. He enjoyed the look on her. She didn't change much with just the two of them rather than a group. And the fact that she loved hot foods like he did was a huge turn on.

"Well, why not? Gotta eat, why hide the fact that I am starving? Paying all this money for it, I better enjoy it and not let it go to waste." Amaya took another bite. The heat was tasty but it was starting to get to her. Zane eyed her curiously, noticing a bit of the sauce on the corner of her mouth. He reached out and thumbed it off, bringing it to his mouth. Amaya felt her stomach do somersaults as he licked his finger sensually, not breaking eye contact. A look that said he would to that to her, but a lot lower than a finger. Her face heated up.

"You blush a I make you nervous?" A smirk played on his lips; eyes locked with hers. There was something about her he could not resist. He liked toying with her, he knew he was turning her on.

Amaya felt her heartbeat in her ears, "''s just hot in here..." She fanned herself. She couldn't possibly tell him what he did to her How she feels when she imagines him touching her.

"Mhm...sure." He wasn't buying it. Even taking another drink of his beer, he still smirked deviously at her. The look in her eyes was all he needed. He wanted to take her back to his place and do everything that was going through her mind. And more. Things she couldn't even think of. "Want to go back to my place?" he whispered to her. He wanted to tease her and hear her beg for him to take her.

Amaya's heart was racing, and she nodded. She felt like her stomach was in knots, her chest tight. This was it. The look he gave her meant tonight it was going to happen. She watched as he got up to pay and got a box for the rest of their food. He knew she didn't want to let it go to waste. He offered a hand to her and lead her back out to his car. The beginning of the ride was quiet, so Zane turned up the radio to ease the tension. Zane trailed a hand over her thigh as he drove. He was really turning her on. 

~*Creeper alert! What's with this guy? Anyway~ Hope you are enjoying the beginning of part 3! Things will really get fun with this story. And if you haven't already, please check out parts 1 & 2! Please send any feedback you have and remember to vote <3 Thanks again for the views so far! *~


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