Tenth Passion

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Amaya let out a sigh of relief. She was sick of the hospital. So, it was nice to be back in a home setting. Sitting down on the couch Amaya felt her eyes get heavy. Snuggling into the spot that she claimed as her, she steadied her breathing and wound up falling asleep almost instantly. Being in the hospital for so long she didn't get much sleep with all the people coming in and out of her room for vitals and other tests. The thought of her never smiling the same way again made his stomach feel sour. He was going to do everything in his power to help her through all of this. Taking another longing look at her, Zane made his way into the kitchen. Deciding it would be good to make dinner for once, he pulled out everything he needed to fix her a quick and filling meal. After about 45 minutes he set the table with the plates. He hated to wake her, but she should eat before she got sick. "Amaya." He whispered, kissing her forehead.

Stirring with a slight groan, Amaya opened her eyes. "Hm?" she gazed up at him sleepily. She looked so sweet and innocent.

Zane kissed her, "Dinner's ready." Standing he held out a hand to her. Amaya slipped her hand into his and he pulled her into his arms. "Did you have a good nap?" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her. Her head rested against his chest and he felt her let out a heavy breath, then yawn. She nodded and snuggled her face into his chest more, taking in the scent she didn't think she would ever get to smell again.

Leading her to the small dining area, Amaya gave a soft aw when she saw the food. "Wow, Zane..." Her stomach felt as if it was eating itself. She didn't realize how hungry she actually was until her stomach growled.

Zane pulled out the chair for her. "I didn't have much to work with, but this was quick and easy." he sat across from her.

A soft smile crossed her lips, "This is wonderful...thank you." she picked up the fork with hesitation. What if she couldn't keep it down? She bit her lip and tried to take it slow. Deciding if she just took it easy and ate a little at a time, she would be okay.

Zane watched her enjoy the food, she was eating slower than she normally did, but he understood she was probably scared of getting sick again. "Take your time baby." He started to eat himself. He also hadn't eaten much in the past week. He was starving. As much as he wanted to ask her what had happened, he knew it was probably better to not bring it up. He had read enough in the police report that was conducted after the incident.

After cleaning their plates, the two curled up together on the couch. Zane turned on a movie, mostly for the background noise as he held her close to him. Eventually, she became drowsy again and rested her head in his lap. Zane stroked her hair as he watched her. Shifting himself off the couch. Zane picked her up and carried her to the bed, tucking her under the warm blankets. After ensuring she was still asleep, Zane stripped down to take a shower.

Stepping into the hot water, Zane let a lot off his shoulders. He had kept a strong hold on his emotions. Until Amaya came into his life. It scared him slightly. He couldn't remember the last time he actually cried. With his eyes closed, he let the heat soothe his tired muscles. Was this what it was like to be in love? Zane's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream. His eyes snapped open and he rushed out of the shower to his room.

Amaya was sitting in the middle of the bed, eyes widened with fear, sweat, panting heavily. "Z-Zane!?" she gasped, confusion marked her face. It took her a moment to recognize where she was.

Zane stood in the doorway, naked and dripping wet. "Baby, what's wrong?" he went to her, pulling her to him. Her breathing was rapid, and he could feel her heart pounding. He shushed her softly as he rocked her in his arms. "It's okay baby."

Taking in lungfuls of air, she ran a hand through her messy hair. "B-bad dream...really bad dream..." she was shaking. Zane held her tightly, continuing to rock and calm her scared body.

"Shh baby, it's okay." he rested his cheek against the top of her head, "You're safe..." It didn't take long for her to calm down. She clung to Zane, his warmth and the scent of him helped. He traced circles on her back to soothe her. "You're safe, baby..." he repeated a few times. Tipping her chin to face him, his eyes searched hers to ensure she was really okay.

"Thank you...that...it seemed so real again..." she glanced down, almost embarrassed. "Will it ever go away?" Amaya sounded worried. She just wanted everything to go back to the way it was. But she kept having nightmares.

Zane stroked her cheek, reassuring her, "I'll be here to help you. As long as it takes."

Amaya welled up at his words. He was amazing. Tears flooded down her cheeks. "Z-Zane..." she wrapped her arms around him, embracing him tightly. "I love you." the words escaped her lips before she realized it. 

Zane was a bit taken back, he'd never had a woman confess to him. It made him a little uncomfortable, being new territory. He didn't even understand his own feelings. But he did feel his heart skip a beat when he heard the words. "Amaya..." Zane kissed her. Her warm body pressed against him, the kiss deepened. Zane felt himself growing hard. "We should stop..." he advised. As much as he really wanted her, it wasn't the best time. She was still recovering. He wouldn't allow her to feel any sort of regret. Zane eased her back down onto the bed.

Looking up at him with a pleading look, "Zane...please...I just want the thoughts to stop..." she ran her hands up his chest. The look in her eyes made it really hard to deny her anything. "I need you...please Zane...touch me...even if it's for a little while." she whimpered, pressing against him as she locked her lips to his.

A groan escaped him as she pressed her body against him. She was making it really difficult to say no. "But Amaya..." he stared down at her. He couldn't do it, not yet. but he would do the next best thing. Easing himself up on to his knees, "Damnit...I didn't want to push you while you are getting better...but how can I resist when you make faces like that." He slipped off her shirt, then made his way down to her pants. Amaya bit her lip in anticipation. Zane ran his hands over her abdomen. She had lost so much weight in such a short amount of time. She looked unhealthy. Grinding his teeth, he tried to tamper down his anger. He needed to help her get better. And if this would help...Zane slipped off her panties, surprised to find her already wet.

"Yes...I need to feel you..." Amaya looked up at him with pleading eyes. She wanted to escape from reality, even for just a little while. A soft moan escaped her as Zane trailed kisses over her chest, teasing her nipple. Arching her back she begged him for more, and fast. But he wanted to take his time, and he planned on doing just that. 

~*Helloooo dear readers! Hope you are enjoying the story! I have decided to start working on my next project: A mafia romance!!! It's gonna be awesome! There will also be a bonus story attached to it but it might be awhile till that one starts to pan out. Sooo stay tuned! 

Please feel free to leave some comments and let me know how I am doing as a writer <3 and votes!*~


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