Ninth Passion

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The next few days were agony. Amaya had finally woken up, only to have her body still going through withdraw. The psycho cult that abducted her shot her up with heroin. She had been severely dehydrated and starved. The hospital was running every test possible to make sure she hadn't been infected with HIV or any other blood borne pathogens. But some would take time and need to be repeated. Amaya had shut down. She was terrified, sick, and depressed. Even around Lily and Serenity, she just couldn't bear it. Even when Zane was around, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes. A lot had to do with the news crews wanting to publish a big article, but Zane chased them off every time they came around her room. It was really annoying. She was grateful he was there for him; he was there for her every moment he could be. Her heart still feared the future. She knew they were all dead, but what if she was permanently messed up? What if she had a disease? There was no way Zane would want her.

The hospital psychiatrist came every day to talk to her after she was stable. The withdraw sucked and she was famished, but she couldn't keep anything down. Not until Sen and Lily brought her favorite coffee and a chocolate croissant. It was like Heaven. She was able to keep it down. The psychiatrist talked with her, and she expressed her fears. After she was more comfortable with eating and being able to move around, they moved her to a less intensive unit. She was still severely dehydrated, and they had to proceed with caution. After a couple more days Amaya was relieved to find out all her tests came back negative for everything. Zane had mentioned they had a box of clean needles. They didn't want to 'contaminate' her before the ascension. Or that's what he was guessing.

Amaya's mother and stepfather visited her every day in the hospital. They had been worried sick about her, much like everyone else. She saw her mother cry for the first time. Repeatedly apologizing for how she had treated Amaya the past few years. They had gotten into quite a few disagreements about Amaya's choices in life. She had just wanted what was best for her. But she was very pleased when she met Zane. Her parents really seemed to like him. That felt like a relief, but Amaya wasn't sure if Zane even still wanted her after all this. Sadly, they ended up leaving because of work. Amaya insured them that she was okay now and she would make sure to keep them updated with her progress.

The nurse helped her get her discharge papers all set up and helped make her appointments to continue meeting with the psychiatrist. Amaya let out a sigh, she couldn't bring herself to go back to her apartment. The thought of being where she was taken gave her a panic attack and that pissed her off. Serenity offered to let her stay with them for the time being, but Amaya didn't want to burden her friend. And Lily lived with Blake so that was out of the question. That left only one place. Zane's apartment. Even though everything came back all clear she still felt uneasy.

"Amaya...come on." Serenity played with her friend's hair, "He will keep you safe." She gave a weak smile. "Or come stay with me and Chase." Zane walked into the room as they were packing the last of her things. He had a small bundle of flowers.

"Are they releasing you?" he asked curiously, still in uniform. Amaya looked down and nodded. Seeing her so down killed him. Even though he was not surprised by her actions. "Amaya, my offer will always stand." he walked closer, taking her hand in his. "I know things aren't easy right now..." his hand went to tip her chin up so he could see her eyes, "I'm still here." worry flashed in her eyes. "Still yours." He gave a soft smile. He was never this tender. Amaya brought it out of him.

She nodded finally. "I-I'll come with you." she whispered; Serenity let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God." Serenity plopped down on the hospital bed, "I'm so glad you are. She needs you." she was worried about Amaya. "I'm gonna go by your apartment and get your things then drop them off later." She didn't want Amaya to lose it by going back to the apartment too soon. She still had things to work out before she was strong enough for that.

Zane nodded and grabbed some of her stuff. "Let's get out of here." He led her out to his car. After helping her in he stuck the rest of her things in the back seat "Are you hungry?" she looked like she had lost too much weight, even after they got her to the hospital. Zane knew she hadn't been able to keep much down.

"As long as it's not B-dubs," she said flatly. Her favorite food now made a wave of nausea fill her gut. It hurt to think about. Zane rubbed her back as he drove off towards home. "Zane...I knew you'd come..." she looked over at him. Her eyes were dull, and she had dark circles under her eyes, and her face was paler than usual. Zane's heart sunk looking at her. She continued, "Deep down...I knew you would find me." And she did.

Zane paused before turning onto the busy street, "Amaya..." he ran a hand over his face, he had finally shaved. "I couldn't sleep...or eat...or anything the moment I knew you were missing." Zane let out a heavy breath. "When I saw you...I thought I was too late," he admitted. The thought of her radiant light being snuffed out nearly tore him in two. He'd been on the verge of tears until he felt her breathing.

Amaya looked down, his hand cupped her cheek, "Just knowing you are okay..." he rubbed his face in frustration. "Damnit..." he groaned out. "I'm not good with emotions...but, the thought of losing you...I was so angry. I actually thought I was going to lose my job." He gave a strained laugh. "Luckily the captain adores you and your coffee." The captain was the one who told them about the shop when they first started going.

Amaya sighed sadly, "I'm sorry I caused you problems..." the last thing she wanted was him getting fired because of her.

Zane shook his head, "Amaya no." He tipped her chin back up to face him, "It's not what you think...I was just...I could have killed the fucker who got you. I was seeing red. And he was worried...I looked like Hell."

Placing her hand over his, "You're a good man. You would never do something morally wrong. No matter what you may think." Amaya had more faith in him than he did himself. Her mix-matched eyes met his. Zane leaned in and kissed her, but not like the hot passionate kisses they previously shared. It was sweet and gentle. Like his mouth was making love to hers. As if he were afraid, she would break if he weren't gentle. The feel of her warmth made him relax. She was alive. She was here. His brows furrowed as they broke apart. He loved this woman. It hit him like a train. And it scared the Hell out of him. "Let's get back." Zane whispered and drove them to his apartment. 


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