Prologue/I hate my life

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"I hate my life," I yell as Nat, Sam, and I are fighting monsters outside of our home.

"We agree with you moon," Nat yelled as she threw her dagger at a hellhound and Sam stabbed a cyclops in its eye.

Just then I saw Stheno and Euryale two of the three sisters and I groan I annoyance, "Why can't you stay dead snake breath I've faced you two times over the year," I say to Sethno. She just hissed and glared at me. I pull out my dagger Beauty from its form as a ring off my finger.

"You will fall by the hands of my master Luna Nightshade," Sethno's hissed. I just roll my eyes and throw my dagger at her but she dodges it and it hits Euryale right in her heart.

"Really," was all she said before she exploded into golden dust.

"You will pay for killing my sister," Stheno hissed and lunged at me. I didn't move in time so she knocked me onto the ground. She tried to scratch me in the face but her claws just right off.

I smirk and said, "did you forget I have the curse of Achilles." she just growled and continues to look for my week point but I just pull out my sword death from its form of a black diamond bracelet and stab her in the head. I somehow got monster dust in my mouth so I spit it out and got up.

I look over at Nat and Sam and see that their monsters are gone so I go over to them and see that Sam has a four claw marks on his forehead into his right eye which will make him blind in that eye and to his jaw that will definitely leave a scar. Nat had three claw marks on her cheek and jaw that will leave a scar also. I walk over to Sam as he was losing to much blood and use the healing powers from Apollo and Phlegethon together and heal tell there is only a scar left.

"Thanks," is all he said as I walk over to Natasha to heal her. Since her injury wasn't as bad as Sam's I just heal her with Apollos healing power. All she had left was a faint scar.

"We have to get to camp fast before people see us," I tell them as we run back inside helping Sam walk since he can't see out of his right eye. We run to our rooms and start to put clothes into our backpacks. When I was done I run into Sam's room and help him pack. When we were done we meet up with Natasha.

"How are we going to get there?" Nat asked.

"Shadow travel," was all I said as I grab them and pull the shadows to us and we were gone.


I know it is short but I'm going to publish more later tomorrow. Bye!!!


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