I just winked and moved closer to her right ear, " you'll know later." I said just to tease her. She pushed me away then glared at me with a half smile, "But I'll be taking a bath first. You should change too. I'll pick you up infront of your place after half an hour jagiya." I told her then pulled her close and kissed her forehead. She then looked at me then kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Just text me when you're there already. Wear something thick, it's cold outside. See you, jagiya. Saranghaeyo Taehyung-ssi." She said then left the room. I suddenly left out a deep breath, as if I stopped doing so when she did that. So is this the so-called 'she took my breath away' phrase??? so it was real??. I removed my shirt and waved it up in the air - well how the hell am i gonna express my happiness. I was about to jump while waving my shirt when suddenly RapMon went in the room.

"Hey. what are you doing with your shirt like that?" he asked looking really confused.

"I was happy." I just responded then I wore it and grabbed my towel, "I'll be heading out for a bit with Minah then I'll be back soon. But I'll take a bath first."

"Sure... and lessen your weirdness. It's all over the room. I'll take a bath after you." he said with a nasty look then left the room. Aigoo. Well they're not experiencing my excitement so I don't care. I'm just happy - hoping though this never ends.. even I know everything has its ending. I'm gonna enjoy this while I can then.

Your POV

I wore a gray sweater and black leggings and after a few minutes, received a text from V. [ V: I'm here already, sorry for the wait.]

I rushed down and saw him wearing a black sweater, ragged above-the-knee shorts and a red scarf. Then I also see he's holding another red scarf on his hand. He went infront of me then wrapped the red scarf around my neck, " It look good on me, it looks good on you. w're really a good pair then?" he said then smile widely.

"Taehyung-ssi. you are really a cheesy person. but thanks. It does suit you." I told him then pinched his fluffy cheek.

He covered half of his face then wore his beenie and we hailed a taxi by the sidewalk. He let me sit at the back while he sat beside the taxi driver then he whisphered to him where we will be heading. Where are we heading to anyway???

After a few minutes. The taxi stopped and I walk out of the vehicle. This place.. is really familiar. Wait - this is where Jungkook and I went after shopping!

He paid the fare and ran beside me while I was staring at the bridge, "It's still really pretty. But it feels different. Maybe the wind is warmer?" I asked.

"Maybe becuase you're with a different person." he said then winked at me. I stare at him with disdain because he keeps going at his cheesy jokes the whole day then he just smiles, "I'm sorry I'm saying lame things the whole day Jagiya, do you hate me already?" he asked then he held my hand and we walked near the river.

"No, I actually like it. But you reserve some of those int he future. you might lose supply of it." I told him then he just scoffs as we sit on the grass.

"I will not lose supply of pick up lines don't worry but I might lose words to describe you because you're really pretty." he said then stands up infront of me and places his hand on his waist. This guy really - aigoo - my cheeks feels numb after smiling all the time.

"Only you only you, Again, I’m acting weird in front of you. You’re so pretty pretty pretty. But why am I like this? I sleep and kick my blankets around~" he started singing their song [Kicking Blankets - BTS Dark & Wild ] from their new album then he dances a bit weird and off the bit. I just clap along while he sings their song. This guy just really never runs out of surprises. And even this crazy things he do - I will never be ashamed yet I fall more for each of it.

After singing he sat down and breathes out of exhaustion, "stop pushing yourself. You had a tiring day today. here-" I told him then gave him the warm coffee in can I have in my bag. I brought two of it thinking we might hang out somewhere in public and we might get cold. 

"I forgot I was tired when I saw you blush awhile ago when I asked you out." he said before he sips the coffee.

"I didn't blush!" I blurted out then he faced me then puts his tongue out, "yeah you did." I just pouted then sipped my coffee.

"I wish we could stay like this. I'm with you when you need me, and you're with me when I need you. because.. I think I do really need you because each day just keeps on getting harder." he said as his eyes wander the river. I watch him while saying it and it was as if I feel the sincerity in his words -  I wonder if someone will need me the way he said he needs me. But I don't even need to look for anyone else anymore. I don't need anyone else too. All I wanted and needed is V.

We were chatting again about our highschool memories and sharing our past crushes when V's phone rang, it was RapMon who was calling.

"Kim Taehyung! I thought you will be back early. It's 12 midnight already! It's not safe for the both of you, go home already. Ne?" RapMon said then cuts the call. V looked at me with a 'we're-doomed' look. I just laugh at him then we both stood and hurried to the taxi bay. We arrived back at my place after 15 minutes or less. He kissed me quickly on the lips then, "I'll be running back. I'll definitely receive a scolding. Why does time run fast when I'm with you?" he said as he walks backwards.

"I better make my own pick-up lines so I can get back at you. Take care on your way. Goodnight." I told him then he smiles widely and turns his back heading to the next block, but just before he reached the corner, " Kim Taehyung!" I yelled. He turned and stopped and looks at me.

"Kim Taehyung- Jinja Saranghae!" I yelled. I saw him laugh then he copied what I did. " Jinja Saranghaeyo Kim Minah!" then he waved and ran to the next block. Here we go again yelling at each other while the whole world's sleeping.

I finished doing my night ceremonies and lied on my bed when suddenly I receive a text. I anticipated quickly it was Taehyung, but I was surprised it was .. Jungkook?

[ Jungkook: Minah. I need you. ] 




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