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yes, I felt so bad about not updating that I wanted to give you guys a double update! I would give you you guys a quintuple update if I could, but this will just have to do for now.

Shadow K
did you send out those shipments that
I asked you to?

Yeah, I sent out the ones to Brazil and Indonesia
I contacted the ports already to let them know
they should be expecting them soon

Shadow K

You know that I always stay on top off my stuff, K

Shadow K
ur the only one I can rely on in that
whole dumb ass crew

Shadow K
typing ...

I've know that for years
I was just waiting for you to realize it

Shadow K
i tried to groom Yoongi to lead, but that bastard
was disinterested in it from the start

i thought Namjoon would be a good fit since
his intelligence is superior, but he's a fucking coward

and Seokjin is just too conceited to function

None of them were fit to serve as a representation of the brand
from the start

Shadow K
And Jimin

typing ...

I hate Jimin

Why did you choose Jimin over me, sir?

Shadow K
the kid has serious skill

he does things quietly and methodically and is
extremely cunning and tactful in every move he makes.

he's calculating and swift in his decisions and knows
how to manage a business in superior methods that even the top earning
business in this country haven't even thought of

hell, he could be a top earning business man if he wanted to.

if I had came in a little later in the game and
ended up coming at the same time as him, I would be seriously threatened

Someone like you saying you'd be threatened by his skill?
you must hold him in very high regard

then what exactly is his downside?

Shadow K
his emotions

in this game, you can't have emotions
they're just too distracting

I know. That's what you told me as a trainee

Shadow K
apathy is a required skill in this field, and he lacks it

the moments when he needs to be thinking with his head, he
decides to follow his heart or some dumb shit like that

and it's ruined many prospects for this gang and our business

he's fucking with my money
and no one fucks with K's money

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