Todoroki and the Bakusquad joined in, and they hugged until Izuku and Katsuki managed to sputter out "C-can't...b-b-breath..."

Finally they let go, and Izuku and Katsuki took in a deep breath, only to be tackled by the rest of the class.

After about 5 minutes of confusing, yet amusing, wrestling on the ground, the class erupted into a bunch of laughs.

"C'mon! Dinner will get cold!" Izuku called out.

They sat at the table, and talked about the different things they were learning in school -Katsuki was mad when he heard they did spars with each other-, and they said how worried they were when they weren't there.

Kirishima thought it would be a good idea to have a spar with them all together, so seen as it wasn't dark yet, they went out to the school gym.

Everyone who wanted to fight put their names on a paper, and Momo organized the rounds

Kaminari vs Izuku were first.

Izuku, despite not being able to see, did some next level flips to dodge Kaminari's sharp shooter attack. He tried to dodge her electricity counter, which startled him, even though it wouldn't hurt him. Izuku used this as an opening, and sprayed him with water. This confused Kaminari, and Izuku simply threw him out of the arena.


Izuku had never felt such...Joy! She felt happy with no end

This is it.

My family...

Thank you everyone...

Izuku held the heart locket that once belonged to her mother, and it began to glow.

A beautiful proxie was summoned, and said 'let's do this!'

Izuku got into a fighting stance, with one hand stretched out and said "Who's next?!"

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Izuku got into a fighting stance, with one hand stretched out and said "Who's next?!"

Katsuki started rambling, "LITTLE F*CK! DON'T GET SO COCKY YE-!"

Izuku flipped her hand over, and stuck her middle finger at him, with the smugest of smug faces on. Katsuki did a dramatic gasp and put his hand on his forehead

"How...DARE you...!"

Everyone laughed at their little scene and was grateful Izuku was there to keep them happy.

Everyone knew it. Izuku was the glue that stuck everyone together. Without her, Katsuki would most definitely not laughing along with them.

Izuku ended up being the champion of the entire thing and they headed back to the dorms. They got set up in the common room, and watched a movie. Izuku sat curled up next to Todoroki as he tried his hardest not to set himself on fire.

After the movie was over, everyone began talking about how good it was and asked what each other's favorite part was.

This went on for a little bit until Katsuki turned to Izuku and said "Hey, you couldn't even see the movie! Speaking of your sight, how will you fight now? Your vision device thing is broken, right?"

It was true. Izuku couldn't see. And her device had been broken. Izuku smiled and giggled a bit

"Even without my eyes, I can still beat up your butt! You don't stand a chance...I've survived up until this point without my vision...

So really there's... need for eyes."

BOOM! Book rule #1: Use the title to make literally everything more dramatic!

Don't get your hopes up, but I might make a new series. Keeping up with updates, as well as the fact that this doesn't give me the joy of writing anymore, really stresses me out!


~Gloomy                 Word count:990

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