I don't say anything further. What can I say or do to convince him? For a man with such a sharp IQ, he is absurdly dense.

"When did you realize that you were in love with me?" He looks disgusted as if I am making him eat stale food.

"Right now—I haven't thought much about it really." It was surprising for the both of us... the damn words that come out of my mouth. I really should think twice before talking.

"You just casually said it."

"It's not like that at all... I felt it and I said it. I promised you 100% honesty," Although I should have really shut up.

It's like guys saying they like us without makeup, they don't even know us without it. Same way, they want us to be honest about our feeling but only as much as they can handle and never a bit more.

"What is the time limit on this love you think?" Is he quizzing me on love because he's testing me or because he's a freak? There 72 questions are getting annoying—I feel like I've committed a crime and I am being cross-examined.

"I don't know—it's a first-time thing for me Liam... You tell me since you have more experience."

"I don't do love, Mia."

"Never? Not even when you were younger?" Oh my, have I scared him to his wits?

"I don't believe in love." What? It's like saying you don't believe in god or music or the power of healing. How can you not believe in love? Everyone believes in love—even criminals love someone.

"Not even your mom?"

"I like my mother a suitable amount but that's about it." I've seen the way he looks at Martha—he adores her to pieces. He's just talking shit. You have to believe in love to exist—you just—or else you're what? A fucking psychopath or a sociopath or something like that. I am not even sure between the difference.

It's really not the moment but I think me and Liam have gone up a level in our relationship. Earlier he wouldn't answer anything I asked him but lately or rather today he's been pretty open and hasn't dodged many of my questions. Are we finally moving forward?

"I sure as hell hope so, you broke yourself for it," Inner bitch comments and I suppress a giggle.

"What do you believe in Liam? What do you think keeps the world from going insane?"

"Money," he's so morbid.

"Is that what makes you want to jump out of the bed every morning?"

"Hypothetically—if I was sleeping at night then yes, money would be the reason I would jump out of bed. How are you feeling?"

"Good, if I don't move."
"I have a proposition for you."

"I will not live in your house. Next," I can't be madly in love with him and live under his roof when he doesn't feel the same way. There has to be some law against that.

He gets up from the chair and pushes his hair back—is it for my benefit? So that I can see his entire face. Has he figured out the hypnotizing effect his eyes have on me? He stands a little short of the bed, bends down and damn he's on his knees.

He holds my hands and kisses it.

"Mia Harriet Dawson, I don't believe in love and a happily ever after. I am not asking you to move in with me for the rest of your life—just these 6 weeks until you are completely healed. I did this to you, allow me to put you back."

His face is slightly below mine and I can see his eyes clear as day. Either I am insanely in love with him or he's a really good actor but either way—how do I say no?

"You thought I cheated on you less than 20 minutes ago. How can we live together if you don't trust me one bit?" We will fight all the time.

"I don't like to share what's mine—and you're mine. I am possessive and jealous and overbearing—you are stuck with this now." That makes no sense at all.

"Liam, do you believe me when I say I did not cheat on you?"

"I do—you smoked a cigarette which is why you tasted like one and that makes sense. I needed a moment to process that," he purrs at me and I can already feel my resolve melting.

"Don't you see how fucked up jumping to conclusions is?"

"You can teach me better when we live together Mia."

"I don't want to, not after the way you try to control every aspect of my life. It just gives you all the power over me."

"I make people sign Non-disclosure agreements when they enter any of the Kent private residences—it's a rule but because I am trying to earn back your trust and trying to get you to forgive me—I won't make you sign one." I have never signed an NDA before but it makes sense—I guess. I just—this is so freaky—will I really be living with William Kent?

"You will still have all the power!" I want to stomp my feet on the ground to prove my point.

"I'm on my knees—begging you to live in my house so I can take care of you. What power are you really talking about here?" 

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