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Six years later

Freed used an enchantment to keep the flowers safe, and handed the frangipanis to laxus to sell.

Finn and Lenore have moved out of the house to fulfill their own future. Lenore and saki's kids are going to school now and their parents both have successful jobs.

Finn and Kori live in a small house and plan on adopting children.

The fraxus family took a trip to magnolia a while back, and enjoyed it very much.

Laxus and freed actually took care of Lorraine, their granddaughter, for a little bit. She looked almost exactly like Nadira.

Now I know what you are wondering, why isn't Lorraine with Keilani?

As freed would say; "Poor girl. She was so sweet all these years. Two months ago she told me to watch the kid when she went out for a bit. She never came back. She was found dead in the ocean a week later."

Freed and laxus ran into some financial issues, and they couldn't really afford taking care of Lorraine. They were also pretty old, but they managed caring for her so far.

Other people tried to come in and help, but fell through. They really tried to take care of her. They ended up having to put her in a system for different homes. Laxus felt extremely bad because he really wanted to raise Lorraine.

She was actually about to get adopted and freed and laxus were helping her get through it. They comforted her and made sure she kept in touch.

A woman with long blonde pigtails, elf-like ears, and blue marks under her eyes adopted Lorraine. She was really sweet and kind. She promised to keep in touch with the family.

Then they were gone.

Freed and laxus kept selling flowers and hosted the monthly family and friend get togethers.


The two men traveled to fiore and went to see the remains of the guild.

"Wow...its really been that long." Laxus said with slight emotion.

They wondered around magnolia and talked about past memories. They remembered the moments of how they met, doing jobs together, and their last moments here.

They then walked over to the cabins where it all began. Freed managed to get the same cabin they had the first time they went and they were both excited.

First step through that doorstep, nostalgia set in. Laxus looked around and smiled. The clouds were forming bigger and bigger above head.

Freed made some tea and they sat outside talking and sharing funny moments together. The soft touches of their hands coming together was enough to make one melt. They put their tea aside and sat back down watching the small droplets start to come down. Laxus took out an umbrella and they sat under it and felt the rains patter on the umbrella.

The rained poured down as they softly embraced. Each droplet told a story. Each droplet held a memory. Each tear held a pain. Each touch was full of love.

The went inside and looked out the window and the storm got calmer. Freed rubbed his shoulder and teared up.

"Why? Why did they have to go.."

He looked down to hide his face. Laxus slowly walked over to him with the same facial expression. He put his arms around him and hugged. "She's free from this short life. Both of them. I guess, it'll all make sense someday."

The open window revealed the small peak of the sunset coming from all of the cloudy sky. They laid down together on the bed admiring the sky.

The two men called their sons and visited with their grandkids before they went to bed. The little patter of the rain hitting the window and the little whistle of the winds rocked them asleep.

It'll  Make Sense Again (a Fraxus story)Where stories live. Discover now