'Till i Saw You Dancing

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(Hey sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I was kinda sick and was out of town all day so mY bAd bUt I might post twice today mkay byeee)

Freed and Laxus were slowly waking up again from their small nap together and looked outside at the rain.

"It's still raining, eh? Well that's kinda nice, if you think about it. We haven't had rain in a while" Said Freed.

"Yeah, can we go sit out there? You can have the umbrella, I just wanna see if there is lightning." Laxus said looking out the window.

"We could, it looks pretty nice out there too, well I mean, refreshing. I can also read this new book I picked up on the way, it looks really interesting so yeah sure... Oh, and evergreen just texted back saying that they are heading over in a bit" Freed said.

They head out into the rain and Freed sat under the umbrella reading a book while Laxus was playing his music and waiting for lightning.

A few minutes passed maybe and hour, and Freed finished reading his book and walked up to Laxus with his umbrella and talked with him for a bit.

"So do you like, not get sick in the rain?" Asked Freed.

"Nah, never ever really get sick. Only got sick once in my life." Replied Laxus.

"What?? Really?! I've gotten sick thousands of times. I should probably go in now." Said Freed.

"Alright, I'll be inside in a second anyway too"



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