5 - Red Rose

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Ruby: Your eyes, they are so lovely.

Ruby leans in closer to F/N's face. She slowly goes for the lips and closes her eyes.


Ruby: H-Huh?!

Ruby opened her eyes, only to see that she was handcuffed by F/N.

F/N: I am not fallin' for it again.

Ruby: But whyyy?? (whines) What's with the handcuffs!?

F/N: You tricked me once, you stole the money that which I stole as well, you were gonna commit yourself into a conspiracy, and you turned into a psychopath. You were twitching earlier. Now give me a reason why I shouldn't restrain you.

Ruby: But... What I said is true, I love your eyes.

F/N: What? -- now you want to steal my eyes?

Ruby: Very funny. Then how about you? You're no better than I am, you slaughtered all those white fang recruits, and my team mate's boyfriend, Sun. What is it really? that differs you from me?

F/N: Unlike you, I don't turn into an uncontrollable psycho, I'm conscious with what am I doing and I'm used to it. I could've let those white fang member live and killed the dick heads in the government but there are innocent lives in the area.. Although I slew people who deserved it.. but some didn't.

Ruby: Pffft... Trying to act like a hero, but in the end, you're controlled by greed.

F/N: (sighs) Give me the money you stole.

Ruby: It's in the other warehouse.

Ruby and F/N took the money. F/N dragged the silver eyed girl towards his car. They eventually left the area...

Ruby: Where are we going? We're away from the city now.

F/N: Just be patient.

Ruby: Why don't you take off these handcuffs so I won't have to annoy you? Fair trade eh? I'm not gonna do anything bad, really.

F/N: I can't let you go until I can verify it.

Ruby: Awww (pouts)

She went back to sitting still and laid back.

F/N got off the road and went to the woods.

Ruby: Hey are you drunk?

F/N accelerated even faster. Despite the trees blocking the way, he manages to continue without crashing, it's like he knows where he's going.

Ruby: You makin' me nervous here.

Moments later, they got out of the forest. Ruby noticed he was driving into a gigantic boulder.

Ruby's eyes widen as she got nervous.


The speed meter has reached 187 miles per hour. . .

A.I.: PASSWORD 187 on speed meter has been detected. Opening the gates now.

The stone shaped-out a gate and it slid to the side to open. The car went inside of the disguised head quarters.

It was dark but there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ruby: (panting) What the Freak.

F/N: You mean "What the fuck"?

Ruby peed

F/N: You already killed your teammate and did all of those gruesome stuff but you still get scared of this much? Gosh you're skirt is so wet.


"No Petals, All Thorns" - (Cheated And Hated Ruby x Male Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu