Chapter 48 - Finally She Is Happy 🌼

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Neha was sitting in front of the dressing table, removing her jewellers one by one. She heard that someone opened the door. She looked though the mirror Darshan walked in.

Neha again looked at her hand and started removing the bangles.

"Finally! Everything ended.", Darshan let out a deep breath and fell on the bed.

"Hmm", Neha sounded.

Darshan looked at her. She was unpinning her dupatta.

"What hmm?", He asked. Neha looked at him.

"What?", She asked back.

"No what kind of reaction is this 'Hmmm',", Darshan mimicked her.

"Then what you was expecting form me?", She asked.

"You have to say, 'yes finally everything is over and we get some alone time in a locked room.', Darshan smirked.

"What?", Neha chuckled.

"You're impossible Darsh!", With a laugh she said.

"Where is my phone? Do you see my phone anywhere?", She stood up and took two steps forward when she felt a pull on her 'dori' of the blouse. She stopped and turned a little. Darshan was giving a devilish smile.

"Darsh what are you doing?", She asked. Darshan kept pulling it.
Then he pulled her close and she bumped to his chest.

"Why do you want your phone when you have your hot paati in front of you.", He said while placing his hand on her bare back.

Neha laughed a little and said, "Because I have to call someone. And for that I want my phone, you can't do that job na."

"How unromantic you are. You don't think we should spend some time instead of calling someone.", Darshan said.

Neha faked a smile and said, "Noo"

She tried to push him but his grip was more tight.

"Noop, I'll not leave you Mrs.Raval", pulling her more close he said.

He leaned to her face. Neha looked at the door and saw it was not locked.

"Darsh the door is not locked.", She informed.

"No one will come don't worry.", Without paying any kind of attention to that he kept leaning. Neha already closed her eyes. Seeing that Darshan smiled and closed his eyes too. Soon their lips met. Darshan pulled her up a little bit by her waist. Neha grabbed his shirt.

After a while when they went breathless they pulled apart and gasped.

Upasana was walking to their room.

As she opened the door a little, she caught them kissing. She instaly went aside closing her eyes. She slapped her forehead and uttered to herself, "Shit I forgot they're married now. I should knock before coming."
Taking a deep breath came in front of the door again, now she saw his lips went to her neck from the lips. Upasana cleared her throat, tried to grab their attention.

Both of their head jerked to the door and they both jumped backward instaly.

Neha and Darshan moved two steps backward quickly as they saw Upasana near the doorstep.
Neha pushed the loosen hair strands behind her ear. She gave Darshan a 'told you to lock the door' angry look.

He only rubbed the backside of his neck.

"Hi Upa.", Clearing her throat Neha said awkwardly.

Upasana wanted to laugh hard to seeing their condition but she controlled herself and said, "Hi Neha."

"Ok so let's come to the point. I'm sorry to disturb you guys. I just came to say bye because I'm leaving.", Upasana added.

"You're leaving this early.", Neha walked to her.

"Yes, I've to catch the flight of Delhi na.", Upasana informed.

"Ms. Busy Roy.", Neha hugged her.

"So when we'll meet again?", Breaking the hug Neha asked.

" guys are going to honeymoon in the next week na. When you'll come back I'll come to meet you.", Upasana said.

"I'll miss you.", Said Neha.

"I'll miss you more.", Upasana smiled.

Upasana's eyes went to Darshan who was standing while leaning to the chair.

"Darshan don't you wanna offer me to drop to the airport today?", Upasana asked with a smile. Darshan looked at her.

"Ha..ha why not.", He stood up straight.

"Yeah you go and drop her. Let's I'm coming to the downstairs with you.", Neha said.

"Neha, umm the knot of your blouse.", Upasana pointed to her back. And that's when Neha realized that the knot was still open. She bit her tongue making Upasana laugh a little.

"You don't have to come we'll go.", Upasana said.

"Ok. Bye.", They smiled at each other and Upasana left. Darshan walked to the door when suddenly he whispered in Neha's ears, "We'll continue this after I'll come back."

"I hate you! Go.", Neha pushed him.

"I love you too.", He walked out from the room.

* * *

Darshan was driving the car silently. Upasana was also seeing outside of the window without uttering any word. Darshan once looked at her then again looked forward.

Then he cleaned his throat.
As soon as Upasana heard the sound she looked at him.

"Do you wanna say something?", Without looking at her Darshan asked.

"Umm Noh", Upasana said and again looked outside.

After while the car stopped near the airport. They both got down from the car. Upasana looked at her wrist watch and saw still she had some time for the flight.
They walked to eachother and stopped in front of the car front.
Upasana looked at him.

"Take care of her. Finally she's happy, I hope you'll never let fade her happiness again.", She said. Darshan blankly nodded and said, "I'll never."

"Or kuch nehi bolna?", Darshan asked.

"Kuch baate unkahi reh tohi acchi hai.", She smiled feebly.

"I hope we'll meet soon.", He said.

"Don't hope.", She replied.

They were looking at each other at that moment her flight announced.

"Bye!", She said.

"Bye", he said back.

Upasana turned around to leave but stopped and looked at him. He was looking down as she turned again he looked up to her. Upasana hugged him all of a sudden. Darshan hugged her back after a while.

Breaking the hug she slowly made her way into the airport. Darshan turned and got into the car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Four years later]
24th April, 2026

Neha turned the page. But the next few pages were blank. So she flipped 4 pages. She was about to read the next when she heard a sound. She looked up and saw Darshan entered opening the door of their bedroom.

"How's my baby?", Darshan asked with a smile.

Neha smiled back and said, "I'm good."

She stood up to give him a hug but he said making her confuse,"I didn't ask you."

Darshan's voice was serious enough.

Neha's smile faded.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now