05 ||ʏᴇʟʟᴏᴡ sᴛᴀʀ

491 52 1

sɪᴛᴇ: ᴀᴏ3 ᴏʀ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇᴏғᴏᴜʀᴏᴡɴ.ᴏʀɢ
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ: ᴡʀɪᴛᴇᴏɴ423


05 ||Yellow Star
Your warmth was millions of years in the making...
It was hard to look at you as you shine brightly for others while shadows continued to cast upon me...
Oddly, if I had too, I'd wait a million more...

05 ||Yellow Star

Hoseok's eyes fluttered open. He was in the field and it was dark. Did his friends leave him?
He sat up and looked around. They had. Hoseok felt stinging about the exposed skin of his forearm and neck. His eyes went down to his arms, small cuts littered them with deeper ones at his wrists. Hoseok tore the bottom of his blouse which was already stained with blood and tied the fabric around both wrists to stop the bleeding. He stood slowly and looked around.
He was dreaming again.
"Are you?"
Hoseok's eyes flashed forward and there was the being. It seemed to appear out of thin air.
"Am I what?" He responded to the voice.
Hoseok suddenly began to fill a chill again. He quickly realized that the cold was coming from, whatever that was.
"Aren't I?"
The voice chuckled and sighed. "I was going to ask you the same."
Hoseok breathed audibly. He was growing tired of talking in riddles. He wanted answers.
"Why am I here and why can't I see you"
There was silence and a soft wind ruffled his hair.
"You are seeing me, Hobi-ah."

Hoseok blinked at the apparition's use of his name.
"Y-you know my name?"
It laughed. "Of course! That's like asking the moon if he knows the names of the stars! I know your name but do you know mine?"
"Of course not! How would I know it?!" Hoseok was growing impatient with this game. He wanted whatever this was to be over.
The apparition sighed and slowly descended into the flowers. "Of course not." He repeated.
"Does the sun consort with the moon?"
Hoseok thought briefly, his eyes cast down to the fluttering flowers. When he finally looked up, the being had disappeared.
"If the sun and the moon should meet, the outcome would be both bitter and sweet..."

Hoseok opened his eyes slowly and the warmth of the sun shone down on him. He could hear Jimin humming a song nearby and he felt Ji Yeon tucked close to him breathing deeply from sleep. He sat up slowly and looked down as Ji Yeon stirred next to him. her eyes blinked open and she looked up at her Oppa.
"Are you alright?" she asked as she sat up.
Hoseok shook his head to try to clear it. "Yeah. I just had a weird dream."
"About Jung Woo-hung?"
"I-I don't know. It's all so confusing."
Ji Yeon reached out and caressed his back. "Try not to think about it then. I don't like it when you're upset."
Hoseok smiled at her and wrapped his arm playfully around her neck. "Aww, are you worrying about your Oppa?"
Ji Yeon smacked his arm and he released her. "Don't I always. If I didn't you and that idiot over there..." She gestured towards Jimin with her head. "...would be dead."
"Hey! Jimin shouted as he approached Ji Yeon and began fussing at her for calling him an idiot.
Hoseok laughed at their exchange. No matter Jimin's protests, Ji Yeon was right. They were both idiots that seemed to always find trouble and Ji Yeon would always have remedies to fix it.
She was a fixer. He was the mood maker, confidant, their strength and Jimin...Jimin still had some growing up to do. But their group wouldn't be complete without him.
"Okay!" Hoseok got to his feet. He stepped between the arguing two. "Let's go fishing. I want to have Maeutang tonight."

The three were descending the hill, fishless, towards the Jung farm laughing at an incident involving Jimin back at the river, when Hoseok noticed something peculiar. Three horses and a stage coach were outside of his house. What made it strange wasn't that there were horses outside of his house or even the stage coach. It was who the horses and stage coach belonged to.
The King's flags waved proudly in the wind attached to bronze posts at the corners of the driver's box. The sight of those flags caused Hoseok to pause. Why would the King be at his home? Whatever it was he knew it wasn't good.
Ji Yeon was still laughing at a pouting Jimin when Hoseok put out his arm to stop them from proceeding.
"Oppa, what-"
Ji Yeon's questioning stopped when her eyes came forward and she noticed what caused Hoseok's weird reaction.
Jimin noticed too. His voice a whisper as if he was afraid of being heard.
He needed to think quickly. His father could be in danger but he couldn't think of anything his father could have possibly done.
"Jimin, Ji Yeon, I need you both to go home."
Ji Yeon's head snapped towards his. "What?! Are you crazy! There is no way I am leaving you alone!"
"Yeah! We're in this together." Jimin added.
Hoseok had never been forceful with Ji Yeon before but this time warranted it. He couldn't risk them getting hurt.
Hoseok grasped her shoulders roughly and looked into her eyes. "Ji Yeon this isn't up for negotiation!"
"But Oppa!" her eyes filled with tears. "What if they are here to recruit you?!"
Hoseok finally understood her fear. Minseok had been recruited and when he returned, well, he never really returned.
Hoseok pulled her close. He couldn't answer that. That hadn't crossed his mind. His first thought was his father not himself. "Don't worry." she was crying now. Hoseok gently caressed her back. "I made a promise to you right?" Ji Yeon lifted from his embrace and nodded. He smiled down at her. "I need you to be strong Ji Yeon. I need you to go home."
Ji Yeon looked up at him, her bottom lip trembling. She fell into his embrace once more before turning and running towards home
Hoseok sighed as he watched her disappear and then turned to Jimin. Jimin was wiping away his own tears. Hoseok walked over towards him and placed his hands on his shoulders and then cupped his face.
The door to his house crashing open caused both of their eyes to fly towards the noise.
Hoseok's breath caught when he saw his father being dragged outside by two soldiers, both Princes close behind.
Since when did the Princes assist with a recruiting? But more importantly, what were they doing to his father?
"Appa!" Hoseok yelled as he continued down the hill.
His father eyes met his and what Hoseok saw sent a chill down his spine.
His father was brave. Strong and fearless. So to see the fear that was etched on his face was something that made Hoseok's blood run cold.
"Hobi! Run!"
Hoseok hesitated as both Princes' eyes came to the two that were part way down the hill. A smile spread across the younger prince's face and the older sported his usual scowl.
Hoseok's heart began to pound so loud that his father's constant screams for him to run began to become incoherent.
"HYUNG!" Jimin yelled beside him and pulled him in the opposite direction. It seemed then, Hoseok finally found his legs and he could hear again.
The sound of hooves hitting the ground behind them made Hoseok push himself harder. Jimin was lagging so he reached out for him but just as their fingers were about to touch, Jimin was tackled to the ground.
Hoseok stopped his retreat and watched as the younger prince wrestled with him in the grass. Hoseok moved to help but Taehyung's horse nearly collided into him. Hoseok fell backward to avoid the collision. Hoseok began to wonder if his horse was trained to run people down. That thought, although valid was trivial at the moment when his best friend was being manhandled by prince asshole.
Hoseok got to his feet and approached the two as Taehyung was ripping open Jimin's tunic and burying his face in his neck.
"NO! STOP!" Jimin screamed as he tried to fight the younger prince off him.
Taehyung managed to capture Jimin's mouth with his as he held the older down by the hands. Their hands interlaced.
Hoseok gasped as he watched Jimin stiffen and his eyes enlarge as Taehyung continued his stolen kiss.
Taehyung released his mouth with a smile. Jimin's eyes still blown. "You felt that too?"
Hoseok snapped out of his trance and proceeded to try help his friend but he was too late. Strong arms enveloped him from the side and they both fell to the ground.
"Let me go!" he fought to be released. "Jimin!"
Hoseok turned his head, the arms still around his waist. He saw Jimin still fighting with the younger Prince as he kissed him down his now exposed torso.
He had to help him before something awful happened. Hoseok tried to desperately pry the hands away from him. "LET GO!"
"I won't! So, stop fighting!"
Hoseok stopped and the person used this brief moment to his advantage and straddled Hoseok in a similar fashion as Taehyung.
Hoseok couldn't breathe as the older Prince glowered down at him.
"Not really what I envisioned when we met again but this position has an arousing appeal." Yoongi said with smirk.
Hoseok fought for his release again but was restrained by the elder. He looked over at Jimin. Taehyung was now tugging at the now sobbing Jimin's trousers.
"Jimin." Hoseok cried on a choked whisper.
"I'll make him stop if you come with me willingly."
Hoseok's eyes went back to the Prince above him. He shouldn't trust him. He was afraid. Hoseok had made a promise to Ji Yeon, but he also remembered the promise he vowed to his father long ago.
He needed to be brave.

He had to protect his friend.

"Okay." he closed his eyes as a tear escaped and slid down the side of his face. He opened them, not meeting the Prince's eyes but starring at the sky. "I'll go. Just make him stop."

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