I stopped smirking, and then I became serious as I looked directly at Cheryl, and Cheryl only. "You may be the HBIC of this school, but remember that I know all your fears and secrets Cheryl. Don't test me, or I will ruin your reputation so quickly".

When I finished with her, I looked down at Josie who was still "crying". I kicked her in her leg slightly and she looked up at me. "How exactly did I rape you" I spat out at her.  "Y-you know you d-did it with a s-strap on" she said while "sobbing".

I nearly laughed as she said that. This bitch doesn't know that aint possible, because I have a natural dick. I turned to Cheryl and said "You have the audacity to stand there and believe this bitch, when you know well she's laying. Look at that, she said I used a strap-on and Cheryl you know damn well I can't use that thing".

Cheryl kept her mouth shut and I chuckled. "You know what, fuck you, maybe you and Josie can be all buddy with each other, since you're both some fucking liars". I walked away, Sweet Pea following me and he said "Damn Topaz, you went off".

I just nodded my head and continued walking. I realized we were close to the girl's bathroom, so I stopped when we reached there and told Sweet Pea I'd see him in class. He nodded and walked away as I walked into the bathroom.

I threw my bag to the side on the floor, and went to a sink. I turned the water on and splashed my face with some water to try and calm myself down. I looked in the mirror and sighed as I wiped water away from my eye.

One thing I really hate about Highschool is the amount of rumors/lies that spread around and people actually believe them in a heartbeat. As the water ran over my hands, the sound of the door opening and heels clacking against the floor made me turn my head. 

Cheryl's P.O.V
After Toni stormed off, I went to go find her. I instantly thought the bathroom, so I made my way there. I opened the door slowly and saw Toni leaning over the sink, with water running over her hands.

"What do you want" she asked as she realized I was standing here. "I wanted to apologize for what I said back there" I mumbled. She chuckled and said "Wow what an amazing apology, you got a round of applause from the crowd for that one".

I rolled my eyes at how she was being sarcastic. "Well maybe if you shut your mouth for one damn second, I could finish my fucking apology". She looked back into the mirror, so I went ahead with my apology.

"I did it because even though I 'cheated' you went back to that bitch Josie just a week after the breakup. I figured if I made everyone seem like you're the bad guy, then I'd feel satisfied with myself. I didn't really mean what I said in the hallway, and I know of course you didn't do it, because you don't use a strap-on. So again, I'm really sorry".

Toni turned off the water and dried her hands with paper towel. "Why'd you say no to my question last night" she asked me. "You seemed like you easily got over me in the span of a week, while I was bawling my eyes out, what did you expect. And out of all people, it just had to be Josie McCoy didn't it" I spoke harshly. I nearly gagged as I said that bitch's name.

Toni walked closer to me, until my back hit the wall behind me, and my breath hitched. "You didn't kiss or cuddle Heather did you" she asked me suddenly and I shook my head no.

"Then what did you guys do". I let out a shaky sigh and tried to calm down my hormones right now.   "W-we only like hung out like friends. We played games, watched movies and stuff like that".

"So you two were just kinda like friends with benefits. Or just friends who had a flirty relationship with one another". "Flirty relationship" I whispered as I kept glancing down at her lips that were really close to mine.

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