Chapter 11:

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Hey guys. Trying to write as fast as I can. Also kind of happy I got Undertaker but my real husband is not on my b-day 😢


I honestly feel like I'm forgetting something... OH MY GOD HIDE! AND KIRA! I cleared my throat and looked at 'the young lord' "My lord I think I have forgotten something important. My servants are waiting for me to bring them to the building you promised.

He nodded "Yes I have asked Sebastian to fix it up"

I looked over at Sebastian and he gave me his signature smirk. Strange....
"Y/N I shall accompany you to see them if you will"

I don't like this. I know that he could hurt them... Oh well. I can't stop him. I only nod.

He smiles and takes my hand.

~time skip~

I was now back at the the hotel. The owner smiles at me "Oh your back Milady"

I smile back at him "Please just call me Y/N"

He smiled at me and nodded "Yes. Are you back for your servants?"

I nodded "Yes now I hope they haven't caused too much trouble. Are they here by any chance?"

He shook his head "I'm afraid they went out. Something about getting fresh air and waiting for you."

"Ah Well I guess I'll wait for them in the room."

"Do you need a spare key" he asked me.

I shook my head "I still have the one I had"

"Alright then"

I proceeded to walk away Sebastian following behind. I sort of forgot he was there for a couple minutes.

I smile at him and stop in front of my hotel room door.

I turn the key and enter. Nothing had really changed. I headed over to the closet and opened the door. There I found my collection of knives and guns. I sighed "Good, they're still there." I look up to see two other outfits that I planned to wear in case I couldn't get it after a couple tries.

I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around me. I look up and kiss Sebastian. How did I learn to love a demon? I guess that's what it feels to find your other half. Your mate.

He kisses me back with much more passion. He soon licks my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I gladly open my mouth. I could feel his tongue fighting mine. He of course won. Soon our little make out session was interrupted by the door knob wiggling. I quickly pull away.

When the door opened I see Kira staring right at us. Right away he ran up to me. He pulled me behind his back and pointed a gun at Sebastian. "Are you alright?" He asked me still keeping his eyes on Sebastian. He gave him a deadly glare.

Sebastian smiled and looked at me "Are you alright ki-"

"Shut up!" Interrupted Kira.

I sighed "Kira calm down..."

"Calm down!? I come in here and this man was going to hurt you."

I sighed and looked at Sebastian "He wasn't going to hurt me. Are you alright Sebastian?"

He gave me a closed-eyed smile "Yes though I would appreciate it if you're servant could point his gun somewhere else."

I took hold of Kira's gun and slowly brought it down. Kira was staring at me like I was crazy "Who is this man!?" He yelled

I sighed in annoyance "Alright first. Stop yelling. Also second. This is Sebastian."

Kira frowned "alright but what is he doing here?"

I look at him "he's going to escort us to our new manor"

Kira looked shock "It's already been decided? You can't be serious? What happened to you?!"

I give him a small glare "That was unnecessary Kira."

Kira "No listen to me I-"

Right when He said this I could see a fluff of brown hair coming in the room. I walked over to Hide and smiled. I helped them pack and soon we were all packed and ready to leave. Sebastian left to get the carriage and I am now with Hide and Kira in the carriage.

I knew they all wanted an explanation so I cleared my throat to get their attention. They both turned their heads towards me. "I'm sorry I should've explained the situation more in detail. We are going to live and-"

I was cut of by Kira "What is your relationship with this 'Sebastian' Hm?" He snarled

I couldn't help but blush. I haven't really thought about that. We just kinda go with the flow. I also don't want them to know I might love him...they'll just kill him. After him they would do anything to protect me.

"We're just acquaintances. I just so happened to make a deal with him and his 'Young Master' nothing more" I could feel the pain in my words. I wish I could say the truth. That I love my mate. And that he loves me.

But alas that would only end in death. From either my side or his side so for know it should be a secret. Kept from everyone. For now at least.

Kira nodded but looked like he didn't believe a thing I said. I sighed "Believe me I wish I could kill the brat. Just that damn butler stops me every time."

The carriage stopped. Sebastian opened the door. A fake smile on his face. But I couldn't help but feel...disappointed and sad. It hurts so much I want to cry. What is this sudden burst of emotions I am not usually this...Sad or emotional.

What's Happening?

I'm so sorry. I haven't updated. There will be one more normal chapter then I will continue on with the series.

Also the words might not be perfect just warning you don't yell at me.

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