That'll Be The Day

Start from the beginning

Luckily, for them, Winston's flight from the Milan Malpensa Airport was running late. That meant he wasn't waiting for them after a long flight.

As soon as the loveable, fluffy dog set eyes on his Jules, he became very excited.

"Settle down you excitable ball of fur!" He said to the happy dog who was dancing on his paws inside the comfy carrier.

The fifty-five-year-old carried his travel carrier outside to Emmaline's Jaguar.

"If you prefer to let him out Julian, I can safely clip him in so he doesn't get hurt, on the drive home" she told him.

"First things first darling, Winston's gotta go!" He told her, putting the carrier down at the back of the Jag, then he unlocked the door, a streak of gold fluff flew out and excitedly bounced around Julian, then he realised he needed to pee. 

He looked at Emmaline's shiny back wheel, head cocked to one side.

"No, Winston! In the gutter! Not on an expensive rim of a Jaguar!" Julian growled, knowing exactly what was going on in his dog's head.

The dog barked and actually peed in the gutter. Then went to Julian for his long-awaited cuddles and pats.

"Let's see if you and Mawko get along!" He said to the Golden Retriever.

"As long as he knows that Mawko is the boss, he should be fine. She doesn't hate other dogs, he just needs to know the pecking order at home!" She told him. 

"Winston's not fixed, is Mawko?" He asked. 

"No, but what a litter, the breed name is Goberian, apparently!" She told him opening the back door of the car.

Winston jumped up and made himself comfy. Julian carefully clipped his lead which was clipped onto his collar into the seatbelt.

He seemed the happiest dog in the world as Emmaline cruised along back to her home, her forefathers had affectionately named 'Warrawee'.

He stuck his head out of the open window as she drove over the landmark Story Bridge, now just thirteen minutes from home.

He stuck his head out of the open window as she drove over the landmark Story Bridge, now just thirteen minutes from home

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The adults smiled at him through the rearview mirror.

"Isn't he just the most gorgeous dog?" She praised, being an absolute dog lover.

Julian smiled at his boy, "many a night, Winston has kept me company and warm!"

"Wasn't your father's middle name Winston?" She asked.

He smiled and continued to watch his boy through the rearview mirror. "it was, till he changed it to Ono because he didn't like Winston, his mum Julia, chose it because of Winston Churchill!" 


Mawko heard the bark of an unfamiliar dog as her Emmaline's Jaguar pulled into the driveway and into the garage.

 "Just get Winston on a lead, I'll go in and make sure Mawko's on hers, we'll let them get acquainted in the front yard, perhaps go for a little walk, get her off her territory, neutral grounds!" She told him as he rummaged through Winston's bag to find his lead.

"Brace yourself boy, let's see if Miss Mawko warms to you!" He said to the happy dog, his tongue was out and his tail was wagging furiously.

Moments later Emmaline brought the bitch out, and their first meeting began in anticipation.

Their owners kept a firm hold on their leads and set off down the road, walking side by side, the dogs on the outside, Julian and Emmaline walking together on the inside.

They reached the end of the street and Mawko made the first move by stopping. Julian noticed and stopped Winston.

She approached the Retriever slowly, sniffing carefully around his backside, all the while Julian kept a gentle hold on the dog's head, praising him as he did.

"Good boy!" He said, "Alright, Miss Mawko, your turn!" 

Slowly the doctor brought her bitch in front of Julian's dog.

The meeting went well, she sniffed gently and then proceeded to approach him, gently licking his ear.

"Perhaps we weren't the only ones yearning for love!" Julian said as they let their dogs bond.

 Winston, being playful by nature, initiated play, by bowing, Mawko followed and for a few happy moments, the two dogs played.

"Let's see how they react on Mawko's territory," Emmaline said, as they headed back home.

They had an hour to get ready and be at the Stamford Plaza, a luxury hotel on the Brisbane River.    

"You have a shower and get ready, I'll watch them" he offered.

She was quick to shower and decided to wear a Turquoise Floral Printed Maxi Dress.

"Julian?" She called, standing in front of her dressing table, which housed her perfumes, beauty products, makeup and most of her jewellery, her really expensive pieces were locked away carefully in her walk-in wardrobe.  

"Yes, dear?" He said as he came into the master bedroom, the dogs following.

"Should I tone down on my jewellery?" She asked, "just wear my costume jewellery?" She had told him everything, keeping nothing from him about her attack. 

He came over to her, she still had the fear in her eyes,  but he knew she didn't want to be frightened of wearing what was rightfully hers.

"May I pick out what you should wear?" He offered gently.

She smiled at him, offering what she had, for him to choose.

He picked out a lovely pair of white gold and diamond studs and her favourite dress watch, the one she wore at Christmas time.

They both still wore their hippo amulets.

"How did I do? He asked, gently kissing the back of her hand.

"You're a natural!" She answered proudly as she put her jewellery on and he headed into the ensuite to take his shower.

On a personal note:

 I'd just like to take the time to thank all that read this story, and take the time to vote and comment, your comments make my day and I love reading your thoughts on what's unfolding! Please don't be hesitant to leave me a line or two! I read every comment believe me! Yes, the romance is certainly blossoming between the Doctor and Mr Lennon, but brace yourselves...It's all going to start getting very real (you ain't read nothin' yet!) Hope you're all ready! 

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