Chapter Five

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Sorry it took so long to update, I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to go. It's a bit short, but it is where I want it to be.


In all the years he had been in this band, performing on stage, never had Jack wanted to be through a set this bad before. He made his usual slew of dick jokes, laughed at Alex over some sexually transmitted diseases and even gave Rian hell, ending with jumping into Zack's arms and kissing him but the whole time only one thing was on Jack's mind.


She hadn't given an exact "yes" to the party after the show, but "I'll think about it." was good enough for Jack. Who didn't want to be at an All Time Low party after a show? They were pretty kick ass if Jack was to be the judge. After he had talked to Riley, Jack had ran off to tell Alex that he had grew a set of balls, took his advice and asked the girl. Alex was rather amused that Jack had actually been able to find words to talk to the girl, but never the less he was glad Jack asked her.

Riley had opted to stay on the bus for the shows, claiming she was upset with Josh and was tired. The other occupants of the bus were all inside the venue getting ready for their big performance, giving her the perfect time to get ready and sneak away to the other bus travelling with them. To clear herself a bit, she sent Mike a text telling him she was in bed, not to wake her because she was getting sick and didn't want to listen to Josh when she already had a headache.

It was the perfect excuse, Mike would take it as fact and if Josh tried to open the curtain to her bunk he'd be stopped by the over protective bassist with the maternal instincts of a great-great-great grandmother who had mothered over 400 children in her day. It was fool proof. If not, then by the time Josh figured it out, they'd already be on the highway and there was no stopping until the next town.

Riley had saw a few others get back on the All Time Low bus and decided to give them about thirty minutes before wandering over. She didn't want to look too eager. Around forty five minutes, to be safe, after she had saw Jack climb onto his bus, Riley grabbed her coat and away she went. Hurrying over the space between the two busses, she waited a second before knocking.

It was cold and they were slow! Shivering and blowing a fresh curl out of her face, she smiled widely when Alex opened the door and popped his head out inviting her in. It seemed awful quiet inside for a party.

"Uh, hey sorry am I early?" Riley asked stepping onto the almost empty bus.

Awkwardly glancing around the only saw one other person, aside from Alex and it was Zack who was sitting with his phone. He looked more like he was ready for bed than a party.

"Nope, make yourself at home." Alex beamed, gesturing to the open seats. "Jack is in the shower, he'll be right out. I'm just going to pop into the back lounge; if you need anything um...Zack can do it." Alex offered before disappearing out of sight.

Sitting awkwardly on the edge of the seat, Riley took in her surroundings. It was like any other tour bus she had been on. It had a small kitchen, a front lounge, clearly a back lounge, a bathroom and a place to sleep. Her eyes wandered over a set of photos that she took were the band, crew and most likely family and friends from back home when she let her gaze land on Zack for more than a millisecond. Apparently this is all it took for him to speak.

"I haven't seen you out, give up the weed?" Zack asked, never breaking the stare from his phone.

"What's it to you? Upset I didn't offer to share?" Riley asked with a raised brow.

Zack chuckled and shook his head. "And what makes you think I'd want to share?"

"I've heard the rumours." Riley shrugged in reply.

Time Bomb (All Time Low/Marianas Trench)Where stories live. Discover now