Chapter Four

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update! YAY! So, let me know what you think. Get it? Got it? Good, do it! XD


Tensions ran high for the next day or two, Riley and Josh refusing to speak to one another unless it was in a yelling tone of voice. When they did yell at one another, it was over the stupidest things. Josh was still mad at Riley and Riley was still mad at Josh. Trying to stay on mutual territory wasn't easy for the others; if they agreed with Josh then it would set off their balance with Riley. If they agreed with Riley, Josh was likely to kick them out of the band.

Being elected good will ambassador, Mike was the one sent forth to try and mend fences between the cousins. His mission lasted about ten minutes before he trudged back to Ian and Matt in defeat. Even when they tried to ignore the fuming cousins the tension was still there and it was making everybody a little uncomfortable.

In just two days the tour would be parked for a day off, which meant a night in a hotel, giving Riley and Josh time and space. If they were together much longer, things weren't going to get better. Riley sat curled up on the sofa of the back lounge, staring into space ignoring the fact that Matt was sitting across from her staring at her just as intently.

If she made notice of his presence, he would want to talk and she didn't want to talk. Riley wanted off of this bus and as quick as possible. All she needed was an out, but with Josh on high alert there was no way she was even getting off at the next stop to get some fresh air.

Jack sat in the back longue of his own bus, watching as Alex loudly yelled at a game he was playing. Alex was yelling like a moron as he did his best to make his way through the level. Ignoring his words, Jack sat playing with his phone, checking to see what was happening on the outside. A tour bus was a little like a prison some times. Chuckling to himself, Jack decided maybe prison was a little harsh.

Flyzik was strict, but he was much better than a warden.

When you compared the two it was in a way similar. You had your assigned sleeping spaces, which weren't all that comfortable. You didn't really know much about what was happening in the outside world. You were always with the same bunch of people and occasionally a fight would break out.

Okay, fighting may be a bit farfetched too, especially on this bus unless it was Alex and Jack bickering over hair spray or Alex and Zack fighting over who was the bigger asshole and usually Alex accepted it was him as Zack gave up arguing and walked away. Never would Jack admit it, but his best friend was an asshole and kind of a douche bag too, but that was Alex for you. Deep down he had a good heart, even if he was screaming in victory as he jumped on top of Jack at the very moment.

Making a "umph" noise as Alex's lanky body slammed into his own, Jack groaned and shoved Alex off of him watching as he hit the floor with a thud, laughing. Brushing himself off, Alex stood up and flopped down on the leather sofa next to Jack, brushing his caramel coloured hair out of his eyes.

"Dude, you look spaced what's up?" Alex asked his best friend.

"Nothing." Jack shook his head.

Alex nodded, not buying it for a second. Jack had been a space cadet since the tour had started. A few nights Alex felt it was lucky they even got him to pay attention long enough to play. Rian and Zack had agreed to the fullest, saying their band mate just wasn't his usual fun, outgoing, dick joke telling self.

"Just ask her to the party and get it over with." Alex groaned handing Jack the video game controller.

"Huh?" Jack asked giving Alex a confused look.

Playing dumb was not going to work. It was pretty clear Jack liked the dark haired girl on the other bus. Why wouldn't he? She was hot! Alex had seen her out and about a few times, but that was about it. She never seemed to offer herself up for conversation.

The elder smirked, patting Jack on the leg, Alex shook his head. "The girl, ask her to the party. What do you have to lose?"

A lot!

Jack shook his head thinking up excuses. "Nah, she probably doesn't want to be here with us." He stated his lame excuse.

In truth Jack was intimidated; he'd never tell Alex that. It would only lead to weeks of teasing.

What if he asked and she said "no"?

What if he asked and she said "yes"?

Damn it! Jack rubbed his hands over his head, weighing out the best way to go. He had been told not to talk to her, he'd already broken that rule but she had really needed someone, in his defense. If he asked her to a party it was likely he was going to be facing some major lectures. Groaning again, Jack rested his head against the back of the sofa.

"Fine, I'll ask her!" he announced.

"Yes!" Alex cheered, throwing his fists up in victory. "Atta boy, Jacky!"

If this went horribly wrong, Alex was so going to pay!

About two hours later the convoy of a tour stopped up at their next venue. Josh was off to do some press, which left Riley in the care of Brett. Brett was strict but not like Josh. If Riley asked nicely, Brett would at least let her wander around the venue a bit and get a handle on where she was exactly. As the other members of the band dispersed to do what they had to get done, Riley made a deal with the guitar tech.

If she stayed in sight of crew at all times, didn't leave the property and promised not to get into any trouble, Brett would defend her against Josh when he came back, providing he got mad that Riley had been allowed so much freedom when he wanted her kept on such a tight rein.

"You rock!" Riley hugged Brett tightly before dashing off of the bus.

The air like every other city so far, had been chilly, but it was a welcoming escape from the hot, stuffy, tension filled bus. Taking in a deep breath, Riley closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment for what it was. Wandering around the buses, to stretch her legs Riley was greeted by the sight of crew members unloading trailers, giant boxes on wheels were being taken back and forth. Stage settings, instruments and the likes filled each box.

Riley loved the commotion that a pending how could create; even more she loved the buzz of energy that came with it. Stepping aside as a guy with a big black crate hurried toward her, she watched as he crossed the street and hurried into the stage doors. In a few hours the venue would be packed and the crowd and bands having as much fun as they possibly could feeding off of one another's energy.

As pissed off as Riley was at Josh right now, she loved seeing him do what he did best. He was still take no bullshit, sarcastic, straight forward Josh on stage as he was off, but he was in his element. The same was easily said for the other three members of his band. No matter how many times Riley saw them on stage; she never got bored with it.

Walking along, toward the venue, Jack spotted the familiar figure. Now was his chance, picking up his pace as Riley moved in the opposite direction he called out to her.

"Hey you." Jack said jogging up to Riley, a smile on his scruffy face.

"Hey, Jack." Riley answered with a tone that matched Eeyore.

"I haven't seen you around, how are things going?" Jack asked falling in step to Riley as they walked from the parking lot to the venue across the street.

Riley didn't answer, only shrugged. Jack didn't need to know about all the drama.

"Right." Jack nodded. "Um, look we're having a small party tonight after the show. You should come, our bus will be open." He informed her.

"I'll think about it." Riley answered with a sad smile.

"Okay, well I hope to see you. I have to go, late for sound check." Jack said springing off and bouncing into the stage door.

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