Time Bomb (All Time Low/Marianas Trench)

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Okay peoples, so here is the first FULL chapter of Time Bomb! YAY!

Yes, I know it is Marianas Trench and All Time Low, shocker! But I like these two groups and they're a lot of fun to write as characters and play with.


She sat looking out the window at the clear blue fall skyline. Riley Smithson glanced to her side at the clock on the wall, in a few short hours her cousin, Josh, would be coming to pick her up and take her away for the next two months. It was ridiculous, two whole months stuffed in a bus with him and his band all because he felt she was getting too out of hand, again.

Riley sighed heavily when her phone beeped telling her she had a new text message, like the other three hundred she had got in the last few hours it was from her mom telling her to be ready, listen to Josh, do what she was told and to behave.

The great Josh Ramsay hated waiting around, which is why Riley had all of her stuff packed and besides the door waiting, not that she wanted to go. What Josh was doing was out of love, the two cousins had always been close and Josh did everything in his power to protect Riley even when she didn't truly need it like now.

Rushing around to make sure everything was in order for the upcoming tour, Josh Ramsay, ran around the office like a chicken with his head cut off. The other three members to Marianas Trench sat watching him with a slight amusement. Josh got nervous and excited before tours, but never this nervous. Watching him for a few more seconds, it was the bass player Mike Ayley who spoke up.

"Dude, chill, it's just another day in the office." He chuckled, along with the other two.

"Maybe, but I need to make sure everything is in the right order. I still have to pick up Riley before we leave. Fuck!" he cursed looking at his watch; he was late to get her.

Josh didn't want or need to be late; there was no way he was letting Riley get the slip on him. He had made a promise and if he had to drag her along kicking and screaming he was going to do so.

"Riley? What happened this time?" Mike asked concerned, he knew the stories a little too well thanks to Josh always bitching about his younger cousin.

"Same shit still drinking, still the wild child. She says she's not on drugs, I want to believe her, but with her track record..." Josh paused and ran his hand through his hair. "Do you guys mind? I should have cleared it before saying I'd do this."

When his aunt had asked him to take her daughter under his wing for a bit, Josh had been so furious with the stories he'd heard about Riley, he had automatically agreed not even bothering to check with his own band or their opening act. The opening act wouldn't say much, how could they? They'd been invited after all.

His own band, well they had the authority and balls to challenge his choice. Glancing between the other three, Josh waited for one of them to do so.

"Nah, it's cool. Maybe some time away from the problems will work." Ian Casselman tried to sound hopeful. Josh knew that Ian had no real love for his cousin, but Ian would still try and help. Classic Casselman.

This girl was a total train wreck, nothing but a good round of shock therapy was going to help her. Josh tried everything to keep her out of trouble when he was around, but she just kept slipping back in. If he had her, 24\/7 for the next couple of months, on a bus, rarely out of his sight then maybe this time he could break through. Even if he genuinely scratched the surface he'd feel it was progress.

"Riley?" Matt the fourth member of the band perked up at the news.

"And we're helping her, not distracting her. I know you like her and shit, but Matt..." Josh lowered his voice.

Time Bomb (All Time Low/Marianas Trench)Where stories live. Discover now