Chapter Eighteen

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a bit of a filler, sorry if it sucks. thank you for the awesome feedback as always on the last update by the way :-)


"How do you like Baltimore so far?" Cassadee asked checking the rear view mirror before turning her signal light on, growing closer to Jack's house.

Riley shrugged and adjusted her sunglasses. "I don't know, from what I've saw its okay."

Cassadee chuckled as she turned the car into the familiar drive way. "If Jack would let you out for more than twenty minutes without him, you may actually get to see things."

It was a joke, yet it held a lot of truth. A week in Baltimore and Jack had hardly let Riley out of his sight; everywhere he went he dragged Riley along with him. Today Cassadee had begged and pleaded to have Riley to herself, actually she had walked into the house and announced she and Riley were going shopping. The duo had spent the day hanging out, Cassadee showing Riley around a few essential places before they decided to call it a day and go home.

Parting ways with Cassadee, Riley collected her things and headed inside. The house was quiet, except for Jack's voice. From the way his conversation was being carried out, Riley knew he was on the phone. Setting her things down and kicking off her shoes, she walked into the living room finding Jack sprawled out on the couch with the phone in his hand. He had a wide grin on his face, chuckling at whoever was on the other end.

Jack could sense that someone was watching him; his mother was going on about how she wanted him for dinner the next evening when Jack interrupted her to greet Riley.

"Hey, Smiley Riley." Jack greeted her, glancing over his shoulder and smiling. On the other end of the conversation his mother began asking all kinds of questions about the girl; Jack simply shook his head and let them slide.

Riley smiled back taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch, pulling her feet up under her.

Going back to the person on the phone, Jack continued his conversation, before telling the person he loved them and would see them later.

"That was my mom." He announced. "She wants us to go over for dinner tomorrow, if you want to."

"Oh." Riley replied a little surprised. Eventually she'd have to meet Jack's parents and siblings, it was silly but she had hoped it wouldn't be just yet. "That was really nice of her."

"If you don't want to go, we really don't have to." Jack replied moving so that he was almost sitting on top of Riley.

Shaking her head and forcing as natural looking of a smile as she could, Riley insisted it was a great idea. Earning a kiss on the top of her head from Jack, who had her trapped under one arm he grinned resting his cheek on her head for a second or two. Inhaling a deep breath, he enjoyed the fresh scent that overwhelmed his sense, it was the same scent he'd come to completely identify as being Riley.

"In the mean time, I suggest you let me take you out for dinner tonight." Jack spoke, lifting his head to glance down at the brunette next to him. "Or are you too tired from your big day with Cassadee?"

Wrinkling her nose, Riley pouted and batted her eye lashes at Jack. "I'm too tired to go back out, maybe order in?"

Several empty pizza boxes and half an eaten carton of ice cream later, Riley and Jack laid sprawled out on the couch aimlessly watching re runs of Boy Meets World. Jack watched as Riley snorted in laughter at something Eric Matthews was ranting on about, the way her eyes crinkled and her nose scrunched up when she laughed was almost fixating. The feeling that somebody, Jack, was watching her Riley pursed her lips and gave him a sideways glance, raising her brow in question.

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