Chapter Two

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I am not sure how strong the beginning is on this, I apologize if it is boring.


The first stop was Calgary, not a place Josh wanted Riley, not since her last visit there five years ago. She was visiting a friend from high school when she'd met a guy. Josh hated the idea of it from the get go, but who was he to judge? As he suspected the guy turned out to be a huge asshole, but Riley refused to see it until he ended up in jail with more theft and drug charges than any one person ever should.

Letting the past fall into place, Josh decided that it was unlikely the guy was even out of jail yet and Riley was smart, whether she applied it or not. Besides, she was going to be on the bus most of the stop, what trouble could she get into? Josh knew better than to tempt fate, climbing out of his bunk he gently knocked on the side of Riley's, only to find it empty.

"Riles?" Josh called out.

"In the front." Riley called back to him.

Following the voice, Josh found the rest of his bus mates sitting around a television while Riley challenged Mike to a video game, Matt and Ian cheering them on respectively. Throwing her hands up in victory, Riley, Matt and Ian cheered loudly as Mike hung his head in defeat. Throwing out a playful insult, Riley handed the controller to Ian and went to sit down at the small table across from Josh.

"Can I help you?" She asked him with an awkward smile.

Josh nodded, giving her a small smile. So far things were going good and he wanted it to stay that way.

"When we're stopped, don't go too far from the bus. Better yet, just stay on the bus." Josh encouraged.

"Josh." Riley whined, wrinkling her nose at the idea.

"Just stay on the bus, okay." Josh ordered, getting up from the table to go get ready for the day.

Pulling up to the venue a few short hours later, the guys got ready to get off the bus and get into the venue. Riley sat in her bunk sulking like a small child. It was worse than being at home with her mother at this rate, at least with her mother she could sneak out of the house and not get noticed. Josh probably had eyes all over the place, waiting for the second Riley slipped up in any way.

Having enough to sitting around, by the third hour, Riley got brave and decided to head inside the venue. There would be at least twenty other people inside, it wasn't as if she'd be able to get away with anything. Grabbing a sweater, she pulled it around herself and slipped on her shoes before popping her head out of the bus. The cool fall air greeted her happily as she darted across the street and toward the venue.

Josh had set her up with everything she'd need; slipping in passed the security man at the stage door wasn't that difficult as she flashed him a band access lanyard with an innocently sweet smile. Finding her way around inside the venue was a no brainer, once she found the side stage area Riley began looking for any familiar face. A few crew men wandered around and a frazzled looking dark haired guy she had seen pop on and off the other bus a few times, Matt said something about him being a tour manager.

Riley winced, the poor guy looked like he was about to murder someone right after he had a strong drink to calm his nerves. Chuckling to herself, she pressed forward. Hanging out, checking over cases and what not was a guy, he was around Matt's height, with dark hair and a tank top on. Was he stupid? It was cold outside and in.

"I'm Riley." She introduced herself to the dark haired guy checking over the black and white bass.

Not saying anything, he only nodded before walking away. Frowning, Riley moved back to where she noticed Ian was checking over his drum kit, making sure everything was in working order.

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