Chapter Seventeen

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It's not a very long update, sorry. It's something? thanks for the feedback I love seeing what everybody thinks.


The cool air sent a shiver through Riley as she stood looking at the modest two storey house before her; she was perched on the front steps behind Jack who was silently cursing as he tried to unlock the door in the dark. Normally, Riley would find the over frustrated and cussing Jack hilarious and even a little bit adorable, if she weren't scared out of her mind she knew that would be the circumstance.

"Got it!" Jack announced triumphantly as the large black door easily swung open to reveal a warm, dimly lit house.

Without a second thought, Jack grabbed his suitcase in one hand and Riley's in the other entering over the threshold. It was good to be home. Hesitantly Riley took a step forward, walking into the warm, welcoming, unfamiliar house. Pausing half way through the house, Jack offered an encouraging smile and motioned for Riley to follow him. Timidly Riley took a few steps toward Jack, leaving her standing a few inches away from him.

"Come on, I'll give you the tour." Jack smiled widely, grabbing her hand.

Jack showed her the lower level first, making sure not to leave anything out. He hated being in a strange house feeling like you weren't wanted or belonged there and he didn't want Riley to get that feeling. Riley was welcome to whatever she wanted or needed in his house, Jack didn't mind. Still holding Jack's hand, Riley climbed the small set of stairs that led to the second level. Her mind was whirling but she was trying her best to remember everything Jack was rambling about.

Her mind took her back to several hours ago, outside of the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, it was the end of tour and everybody was splitting up to go their own ways for a while. Riley had been terrified, but was doing her best not to let it show as she walked away from one of Mike's bone crushing hugs. Already having said her farewells to the other three, she took a spot on the floor next to Alex who was happily playing a tiny travel game with Cassadee.

Now, Riley could see the scene and hear the conversation in her mind.

"So, ready to check out the other side of the border?" Alex asked wrapping an arm around Riley and smiling.

"Honestly, I'm terrified." Riley replied with a slight shrug. She still was.

"Don't be, Baltimore is a lot of fun." Cassadee had gushed excitedly.

Not having much to go on, Riley would take her word for it. Jack certainly was excited that she was here. He chattered on and on about the things they could do while she was in town. Riley smiled politely; her mind was still going off on its own. Chuckling lightly, Jack seemed to have noticed this too. Kissing the back of her hand, he hugged her tightly to his side and rested his head on top of hers.

"You look sleepy." He commented.

"Uh." Riley looked around to notice they were in a bedroom.

The room was very classic, yet modern. Clean, simple, white and black. It certainly had Jack written all over it, at the same time Riley had expected something a little more extravagant. She was a little bit tired; it had been a long day mentally and physically. Mentally, Riley wasn't sure she wanted to be here. There were so many things going against this.

Moving stuff off of the bed, Jack pulled down the thick covers and patted the empty space. "It's late, you probably need some sleep." He commented with a shrug.

"Yeah." Riley agreed with a short nod.

"Here." Jack said moving to a dresser and pulling out a shirt before sitting back on the edge of the bed. "Our stuff is still packed and probably needs a good washing, you can wear this."

Shedding her jeans and plaid shirt, Riley pulled Jack's shirt over her head, a small grin spread on her face when she took note of the giant Jack Skellington face across the front. Leave it to Jack. As the soft cotton brushed her skin, she took Jack's suggestion and climbed into the bed. It was as comfortable as it looked, the over abundance of pillows engulfed her the second she laid back on them and the blankets were soft, warm and smelled like Jack leaving her feeling safe.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked pulling the blankets up around Riley and kissing the tip of her nose.

"I think I'll be fine." Riley answered with a slight shrug.

"You will be; I'll let you sleep. I probably won't go to bed for a while. If you need me, just holler." Jack instructed giving her a soft kiss on the forehead and smiling at her.

Clasping his hand tighter, Riley gave him her best puppy dog look. "Would you lay down with me, until I fall asleep?"

Jack had lain down with Riley, with the intent of getting out of bed the second she fell asleep, so much for that. The sun shone through the slats in the blinds, lighting his room up slightly, rubbing his eyes Jack groaned and pushed himself up on his elbows, looking around he rubbed his eyes and groaned. Swinging his feet over the side of the bed, he stretched, his jeans were wrinkled and his shirt looked like it had seen a war zone. Moving his head from side to side, to get the kink out of his neck, he took a deep breath and smiled happily seeing Riley still peacefully asleep.

This was the perfect opportunity to do something nice for Riley. Ignoring the fact he was still in his clothes from the day before, Jack set out to make breakfast. Half way through putting together breakfast, Jack stopped everything when his phone rang and he saw that it was his mother. Picking up the phone, he happily answered.

"Hey mom." Jack spoke cheerfully, his face lighting up hearing his mother's voice.

He made it a point to call her at least twice a week, but this tour he had been busier than expected and managed to call maybe a handful of times. Listening to his mother go on about how much she had missed him, whether or not he was taking good care of himself and getting her usual chatter out of the way, Jack cleared his throat.

"Are you okay honey?" Joyce Barakat asked in a slightly worried tone. "I haven't heard from you, did you make it home okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jack answered with a chuckle, typical of his mom.

Going on about how much she had missed him and about their attentive holiday plans, Joyce paused for a second directing her full attention to her son. There was no groaning or protesting like usual, no Jack telling her that he would rather be somewhere else than with his family for the holidays. When he did talk, he was distant, his mind was somewhere else and being his mother she was allowed to pry a tiny bit.

"Jack, sweetie, are you okay? You seem distracted?" Joyce commented worriedly.

"I uh." Jack paused. "I...well."

"Yes?" Joyce prompted.

"I just wanted you to know that I brought somebody home, they'll probably be with us over the holidays too." Jack answered all in one breath,

"Uhuh, is this someone a girl?" Joyce asked her son in a teasing manner.

Jack felt the blush creep into his cheeks, even though he was entirely alone right now. "Her name is Riley and she's kind of going through a rough patch and I just wanted to help her."

"Oh, Jack, you know that we'll be more than happy to have her here. Under one condition."

"What's that?" Jack asked timidly.

"Just admit it now, you like the poor girl and that is why you brought her home."

"No, I brought her home because she's Josh's cousin and she really does need some help. Mom, if she didn't come home with me it might not end up well for her." Jack replied waiting to see what his mother's reaction would be.

"Sweetie, you know that you can't save everybody who needs a bit of help." Joyce sighed.

"I know, but Riley is special and I think I can help her and I want to help her. She's a really nice girl; mom you'll really like her and May will love her, dad and Joe too." Jack continued. "Please, just give it a chance."

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