Chapter Twenty Four

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thanks to those who helped me, by answering my questions :)  

okay, idk why but Landslide by Matt Webb just really seemed to help me write this.


Staring at his phone, Jack sighed and sat it down on the table in front of him, earning him a hard scowl from Alex. Alex had just about had enough with this sullen and blue Jack that had arrived home from Vancouver only a week ago. Alex hadn't been there to know exactly what went down, but he didn't have to be there to know whatever Riley had said really depressed Jack and had almost turned him into a bitter hermit. Jack had told his best friend that the girl had told him to get out, go home and send her things back to her. If that wasn't a break up, what was?

The last couple of nights, Alex had been hanging out with Jack, trying to cheer him up in any way possible. They had watched all of his favourite movies, they'd eaten all of his favourite foods, Alex had even managed to drag him to a Raven's game, and nothing seemed to work. The pair was currently parked in Jack's living room, Alex playing a video game while Jack aimlessly stared at his phone like it was some kind of magic device.

Pausing the game, Alex leaned back in the lazy boy, kicking his feet up and clearing his throat. Not bothering to pay his friend any attention, Jack picked up the sleek black phone once again, before sitting it back down.

"Fucking grow some balls and just call her!"Alex blurted out.

He was sick of this moping routine, if Jack didn't call Riley soon or get over her then Alex was going to be forced to take matters into his own hands and nobody would like that.

"She broke up with me, why would I call her?"Jack asked sadly.

"You want to, so do it."Alex encouraged. "So what, she told you to get out. Fuck it man, call her and tell her what a bitch she's being, it might help you get over this."

"Riley is not a bitch!" Jack quickly defended his voice cold and harsh toward Alex.

"She dumped you, did she not? Told you to leave and send her shit back. If she wasn't a bitch, she'd have let you down easier my friend." Alex replied with a careless shrug.

Riley wasn't a bitch, Alex knew this, she was simply...confused... was the word Cassadee had used when she'd explained things to Alex. Cassadee had called Riley to check up on her, when the other girl had burst into a fit of tears, pouring her heart out. Alex had been informed that Riley was miserable, although she didn't come right out and say she missed Jack or that she'd made a huge mistake, Cassadee said it had been strongly implied.

Jack hadn't been given this information; Alex felt he was too fragile. Knowing that Riley was miserable would only upset Jack more. If he called her, she'd put on a brave face and so would he, they would likely talk about small things. The conversation would be awkward and hopefully by the time they ended the call, they'd know they needed one another. It was wishful thinking on Alex's part, because Jack was never going to call the girl.

"Would you fuck off? She is not a bitch; she had every right to chuck my ass." Jack stated firmly. "I hid things from her, I fucked this up. I deserved to have her hate me and then send me packing."

Alex's face softened, he really hated seeing his best buddy beat himself up like this. It wasn't Jack's fault, nor was it Riley's. Things got tough and they had both cracked, it could happen to anybody.

"Dude, call her, you need to call her!"Alex continued to encourage.

"And say what?" Jack asked feeling desperate. "Tell her good bye?"

He wanted to pick up the phone and call Riley, but what if she wouldn't answer? What if she did answer and then hung up? Being hung up on would be far worse than her not answering. Nervously running his fingers through his hair, Jack thought about all of the possible outcomes from a single phone call.

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