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I like the smell of smoke and cigarettes.

I like the way petrol burns my nose

And stains my clothes with scent

Lingers, unwavering, on the tips of my fingers.

I like strong things:

People, things,

Stuff to hold onto.

I like smells that make my head spin,

People who make my body spin

Music that allows nothing but itself in my head.

Things that block everything else

Out, away, gone, but

But, like the lingering smell on my clothes,

they all fade.

I like people who take up the space in a room

Who say the rights things,

At the right tempo

And leave no awkward silence hanging like a mist in the air

Who allow me to become them, fade away

 I like broken things:

Pencils, jewellery, people

I find it difficult to get rid of them,

Like the smell of smoke and petrol on my skin.

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