Chapter 18

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"He would never do such a thing, Charity!" Kendall screams, tears in her eyes.

"Why would I lie to you?" I look at her, "What reason do I have? I don't like Seth. I could have not told you. I could have hid it from you, lied to you and been on his side. Or I could be a slut and take him from you, but I'm not that kind of person, I don't like Seth and you're my best friend."

"No, I'm not!" She yells, "I hate you! I can't believe you would try and brake us up. I trusted you, Charity."

I sigh, tired of fighting. "My name is Sky now."

"I don't fucking care!" She throws her arms in the hair, her dark hair bouncing around as she bobs her head.

"Mhm." I say calmly, ignoring her. I feel like shit and this medicine is making me numb, I feel like I'm going to pass out at any given second.

Seth walks into the room, "Sky, I got you-"

"Tell me the truth, Seth!" Kendall turns to him, cheeks a flaming red.

His blue eyes widen as he glances at me and then looks over at her. He sets the white cup down on my stand raise my bed and sits down in a chair beside me.

"Do you love her?" A tear falls from her brown eye and my heart brakes. "Do you?"

Seth shakes his head, "No, baby. I love you."

"Seth!" She stomps her foot, "Tell me the fucking truth. Do. You. Like. Her!"

Seth avoids her glare and then nods, looking over at me. "I do."

All the anger that filled her eyes is replaced by sadness. Her body relaxes, she is no longer tense and her tinted red cheeks flush. Her shoulders droop and she looks down at the floor, more silent tears fall down her face.

"Why?" She whispers, I barley heard her.

"I don't want to talk about this, Kendall." Seth says and he glances up at me.

Kendall runs from the room, pushing past a nurse who was walking past. I watch her, my heartbreaking for my best friend.

Seth tries to take my hand in his, but I pull away, shaking my head and avoiding his glance.

"No, Seth. Go to your girlfriend. Now." I look up at him, anger in my eyes. "You barley know me, you hardly even fucking know me, but you want to crush Kendall and leave her, for a stranger?"

His eyes sag in depression, "Sky, I have felt more with you in the few days you've been here then I ever had with Kendall in the year we have been dating. All we do is have sex, I want more then that. I want- No. I need you."

I shake my head, "I don't want you Seth. You love Kendall, I know you do. I see the way you look at her, I know there is something- passion in your eyes when you watch her or glance at her. Go to her. Fucking now."

He stands and takes two steps towards the door then turns around. "Do you really mean that?"

I nod, "Think about it, Seth. Really think about it. Could you imagine a life without Kendall?"

He shrugs, "I could try."

"No, Seth. Can you imagine waking up everyday to an empty bed, or another girl that is not Kendall sleeping beside you?" I adk.

He stares at the floor, not speaking.

"Could you think about seeing her with another guy, seeing someone else take care of her and kiss her and love her- someone that isn't you?"

He shakes his head and quietly answers, "No."

"Then go to her, you don't want me." I say and he goes to object, but suddenly turns and runs from the toom, the same direction Kendall left.

I sigh as a nurse comes in and hands me a tray of plain hospital food and a little pill in a small cup to take, with a bottle of water.

I take the pill and push the food away when she leaves, then lay down and try to get comfortable in this small crowded hospital bed. Alone.

Strong Yet ScaredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora