Chapter 8

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Oh my god, shut the hell up!

I keep hearing laughing and yelling.

"I ain't doing that!" I hear a male yell.

I hate the word 'aint'. It isn't a word. Therefore, you should not use it. I swear they are all yelling on purpose to wake me.

Throwing the covers off of my bare legs, I get out of my bed. I walk to my door, but stop to check the time. It's four am. Are you kidding me? I open my door and run to the stair way. Her house has a balcony inside that hovers over the living room, where I see kendall, Seth, Jesse and another girl laughing, holding beer cans.

"Oh my god." I mumble.

"Hey! Lookie here! Charity came out to play." Ben laughs, chugging the rest of whatever was in his red solo cup. His eyes look up and down my bare legs and I'm sure my face is a deep red.

"Ben, shut your mouth for once." Seth laughs, tossing him another beer.

"You okay?" Kendall asks.

"Yeah, just trying to sleep here. You know, tomorrow is Friday. We have a day of school." I state the obvious.

"Come on, come down as have one drink." Ben coaxes.

"I don't drink." I look over at Seth who probably just noticed I'm not wearing pants. He notices me staring and presses his lip to a line, turning away. He is drunk, he didn't do that when he was sober, so it doesn't count.

Ben arm wraps around a girl and she leans in on him. The girls seem not to notice my attire. Thank god, but I can't say the same for the boys.

"I'm Zoe, by the way." She grins and tosses her finger in the air to wave. They are all drunk.

Kendall giggles drunkly and leans her head against Seth's shoulder.

"Charity." I state my name.

Seth smiles, and kisses her forehead. Kendall smiles, but her smile slowly fades and she hunches. She drank to much, she's going to puke. I instantly run down the stairs and over to her, pulling her up stairs to the bathroom.

Seth sets his drink down and runs after. I ignore him, and she hurls. Grabbing her dark hair, I pull it behind to her back, letting it fall there. Her knuckles turn white from holding the sides of the toilet.

"It's okay. It's okay." I rub her back. "Seth, make a sandwhich and some coffee. She needs to take a cold shower and sleep, but she needs to eat first. I don't want her to eat a lot, she might puke more." I inform him.

Kendall pukes again and grabs my hand.

"It's okay." I turn to Seth, "How much did she drink?"

He shrugs, "I don't know... A lot. She drank a lot of beer and we started shots."

I groan, "She is going to have major hang over."

"Thank you." Kendall wipes her mouth with the back of her hand while Seth leaves the room to go get her small meal.

"Your welcome. I don't mind." I stand up and walk over to the shower, turning the knob on a warm cold.

She nods and takes off her clothes, not caring that I'm in the room. I ignore her confidence and search the two cabinets to get a towel.

As she closes the glass door, Seth walks in with her ham sandwich and a cup of coffee, with creamer.

"Did you get my creamer an-" Kendall asks.

"Yes, baby. Two scoops of sugar and a half of cup of creamer." He interrupts.

I can hear her smiling through her voice, "Thank you, babe."

I try not to smile at their pet names. I have only ever had two boyfriends and we never even kissed, let alone called each other pet names. I set her tooth brush and tooth paste on the counter and leave them alone in the bathroom.

"Babe!! Stop it!" Kendall laughs as I hear the clink of the glass shower door open.

"I can't help myself." I hear him.

I laugh a little and walk downstairs.

"Kendall's going to have a major hangover, so just go home." I am not fond of Ben, so I smile at Zoe.

"It was nice meeting you." Zoe smiles and hugs me, leaning on me because she almost fell.

"I am to wasted to drive." Ben laughs, chugging the rest of his drink. Good think Kendall has one extra guest room other then mine.

I smack the drink out of his hand. "Listen here." My smile is apologizing to Zoe. I turn my eyes back to Ben, "You can stay in the guest room, if that's okay with Kendall, but that means no more drinking. Go to the kitchen and eat something. Clean your self up." I glare at him as I walk to the steps.

"Oh, and goodnight Zoe." I smile at her and she grins.

"Thank you." She mouths.

I nod and walk into Kendall's room to wait for my new friend to come in.


I am awoken to a door being flew open and a bang, followed by a laugh. I jerk awake and sit up.

Kendall has her arms wrapped around Seth's neck and Seth's arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Seth's lips trail down her check to her chest. Kendall's is only wearing a towel and I don't know what to do.

My eyes widen and I stand up, "ahem." I sound like my mother.

They both turn to me and Kendall's cheeks flush, a deep dark red spreads across her face and she laughs. Seth laughs along. How is this funny? I decide to go along with it.

"I don't believe drunken sex was in my list of Kendall feeling better." I tease, smiling slighrly.

"That's the best way to sober up." Seth states.

I facepalm and walk to the door, pushing past them.

"Thank you, charity, I feel a lot better." Kendall changes the subject.

"No problem." I leave the room before they throw themselves at each other again.

Strong Yet ScaredHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin