.Chapter two

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"Charity!" My mom yells from downstairs.

Rolling off my bed, I wish she was a alarm clock so I could smack her to turn her off. My bare feet touches the floor, giving my chills up my spine. I shiver and look out the window. It is summer, it's always summer in Florida.

"Charity! Get up!" My mother yells again.

I was taught never to back talk, dress to show off my body, and listen to every single thing my parents told me to do. And I hate it with a flaming passion.

"Yes, ma'am!" I yell.

I change into a loose white blouse, with a neck line that touched the bottom of my neck, covering my whole chest. I slide on shorts that goes down to my knees. I am sweating already but I was taught to ignore that. I have to wear these things. I am forced.

"Today's the day!" My mom chirps, walking into my bare room.

She starts to grab the boxes I had packed with all of my clothes yesterday. We have a long car ride to go. Today is going to suck. The school is going to suck.

But The house is going to be amazing apparently.

My mom married this new guy, another new guy I should say. She has been married six times, she is only 34. Some people would call her a slut, but I am not allowed to use those kind of words.

"Yep. It sure is mom." I turn to her, "Need any help?"

She smiles, "Yes, please. Grab those two boxes then come down for breakfast."

I noddes, "Yes, mom."

She kisses my cheek and leaves me alone in my bare room. All my drawings are taken off the wall. Only my bare bed was left in the room, but we didn't need to take that. The house we are moving into is already furnished. We just needed to bring our clothes and other personal things.

Grabbing the two boxes, I look around one last time, savoring the last time I would ever be in the house I was raised in. I smile as memories past through my mind like a slideshow. My first sleepover, my birthday party games like hide-and-seek.

"We are leaving soon, charity! Hurry and eat! The movers and Harold will be here!" My mom yelles again.

Harold is my new dad. My sixth dad. The dad that would apparently "change my life". Make it better. But he didn't know about my secret, so I hardly even began to believe that.

I walk down the stairs with the last of my things and set them on the table. I eat two pancakes and drink all of my milk, shoving my face. I thought maybe if I could swallow all the food, I would swallow my nervousness ,too. It didn't work.

"Must have been good, you ate that fast." My Mom told me, looking at her phone.

"It was, thank you." I tell her.

"Thank you...?" My mom said, typing on her phone.

"Thank you, mom." I correct myself.

"Your welcome, charity." She said, picking up my plate to wash it.

I really hate my life, but it's not like I have a choice. I don't know any other way to live.

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