Chapter 22

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It is getting later and later, but we don't care. We are running around the empty, but lit up Amusement Park. Seth knows the one person who works here, so he got him to keep the park open, just for us, until two in the morning. It's only twelve.

I jump onto Josh's back and take a large bite out of his Cotton candy.

"Hey!!" Josh laughs, dropping his bag of cotton candy, he grabs my legs and swings me around to the front of him.

Holy shit.

"That really wasn't nice, not at all." The smirk on his face only gets bigger.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I ask, looking down at him.

His hands slide to my thighs and his fingers slide ever so slightly underneath the hem of my shorts. I feel his hot breath on my neck, "I think I have a few ideas."

Why. Can't. I. Breathe!

"You wish, buddy." I hop out of his arms and skip my way over to Kendall. I look back at Josh as he catches up to me and I grin.

"Having fun?" Kendall grins over at me and I nod.

"Think Josh is trying to have a bit to much fun." I wink at her and she wrinkles her nose in disgust.

"Now I know how you feel when I do it to you." She groans and Seth laughs, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Wanna have some fun?" He smirks and whispers into her ear.

"I can fucking hear you." I cover my ears and walk over to Josh. They dissolve in laughter

"Wanna go on the Farris wheel?" Josh suggests, and I shake my head.

"I want to do something I've never done before." I smile, holding my hands above my head. "Something crazy."

"Get undressed, let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me.

My eyes widen as he pulls me down under the fence of the amusement park and runs into the woods. He pulls me around trees and turns, running to a pond.

"Not that kind of crazy." I look over at him as he strips his shirt off.

He laughs, "Not sex, Sky. Skinny dipping."

Oh, hey. Look at that.

I hesitate, but the my head tilts up to look at the dimly lit sky, a few stars poke out. I take a deep breath and bravely slide my crop top off, then unbutton my shorts and let them pool at my feet. I look down at my black underwear set. Skinny dipping is supposed to be completely naked, but oh well. I am just getting used to my new personality, I'm not ready to take it that far.

I look over at Josh, I see tattoos covering his chest and reaching around to his back. His arms are covered, but seeing all if the tribal shapes and skulls spread across his body makes me shiver. I bite my lip as his pants slide down his legs to the ground. Even in the dark, I can see his tight black boxers, with an elastic waist band stretch around his detailed skin.

He looks over at me and grins as he runs and jumps into the water, splashing water everywhere. I giggle, feeling a few drops of the cold water. It makes my hot skin tingle.

"Come on, babygirl. Show me what you got." He winks at me playfully and I laugh, then run and jump into the freezing cold water.

I swim up to the top, gasping for air and the warm breeze to warm up my cold skin. I slide my hands across my hair, plastering it to my head.

"Hell yeah!" Josh laughs and leans back into the water, swimming and floating in his back.

"It's fucking cold!" I shiver, laughing at him.

He swims towards me, "You'll get used to it soon. Wanna play truth or dare?"

"How about truth?" I laugh, knowing his dares will not be good.

"Alright, I'll go." His hands float around in the water as he holds him self at the surface, "Are you a virgin?"

I sigh, "Yes."

"Doesn't surprise me." He teases and I gasp.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it's just the personality you had when you first came here is defiantly virgin material and I highly doubt you've had sex the short time you've been here." He says, shrugging as if it makes perfect sense.

I realize that he hasn't tried to touch or look at my body in anyway since I've been half naked. Is that a bad thing? But there is this small feeling in the make of my stomach. I kind of wish he was trying...

Maybe it shows I can trust him... I decide to see if I really can trust him.

I lean back in the water, allowing myself to float. The whole front of my body showing, surfacing the top of the water as I wade over the waves. My black push up bra is doing my wonders at the moment.


Water beads drip down her perfectly sized chest, her breasts spill out of the black bra she is wearing. I bite my lip as her taunt stomach floats at the surface, small puddles of water gently slipping on and off of her skin. I look up at her face, her lips are pressed together and the ball of her tongue ring slides across her lips. Oh god, the things she could do with that tongue ring...

"What are you thinking right now?" Sky asks. I almost forgot about our game of Truth.

"Some very inappropriate thoughts." I blurt, almost regretting it. I said almost.

"Like?" She presses, her arms wading back and forth as she glides across the water.

"How many glorious things you could do with that new tongue ring of yours." I go to stop, but I see her eyes open and her chest rise and fall quicker. "How your bare skin would feel against mine..."

I bite my lip as she swims over to me and wades a few inches away from me.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, looking into her bright hazel eyes.

She pauses, her lips parted slightly, "How my lips would feel against yours..."

I lean into her, my right hand reaches up to take her chin into my fingers. I pull her gently to me, our heads slowly inclining towards each other until our noses brush past each other and our lips meet. Her lips are soft against mine, gently interlocking our lips. My hands find her lower back and pull her towards me, pressing her against my body.

Her arms wrap around my neck and her hand goes into my hair, she tugs my ends gently.

She is defiantly not as innocent as she puts out to be. Nobody who is innocent would know how to make me moan three seconds into kissing.

A small moan escapes my lips and I feel her legs wrap around my torso, my hands slide their way down to her ass, sliding my thumbs gently in circles.

"Wooooohoooo!" Someone screams and jumps into the pond.

Sky and I's heads snap in their direction and we see Seth jumping completely naked into the water. Sky tries to wiggle out of my arms, but I hold her tighter. I don't want her to leave yet, I want to feel her lips against mine.

But instead, I lean in and towards her neck, my lips brush slightly against her as I whisper, "I'll finish with you later."

I feel her shiver and goosebumps arise on her skin- I know that is not from the cold water. It's from me and only me. Only what I can do to her, no other man has kissed her like I've kissed her. She is so innocent, I fucking love it.

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