33 » Doctor Sunshine

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"Mrs. Park?" Someone called out. You jolted your head away from Tae and there was a woman, efficient from her shiny shoes to her pearl necklace. Her white suit was crisp and ironed to perfection. She coiffured her hair and spoke with an aristocratic tone, it was almost too easing that it actually became intimidating. Her face was set almost as firmly as a mannequin and when she spoke to you it was with the clipped tones of one who has enjoyed her profession.

You're not there.

Not even close.

Self-confidence down 1,000.

Softly you spoke like you were a mouse, "Y-Yeah that's me..."

She gave a firm smile, "Dr. Jung is ready to see you."

"A-Alright!" You jumped up from out of your chair. When you did, you mistakenly started walking, the wrong way. Taehyung stretched his arm out to turn you, the corner of your eye catches the young woman staring at us both, you made a fool out of yourself again!

Taehyung just smiles, frantically, but indeed smiling as he whispers, "Baby, please just hold my hand."

You walk and walk until you stand at a plain door, a plain door decorated with a golden plate with the words, Jung's office.

And for the first time today you felt relaxed, kinda. The woman opens the door for you both and once you stepped in it was like walking into an expensive coffee shop, the aroma. There are flowers, beautiful paintings, leather chairs, and soft music. On the wall is a plasma screen and the bed looks so comfortable, for a hospital bed, with fluffy white pillows. Just one foot in the door and you're as untroubled as you would be at home.. besides the whole enormous ass ultrasound machine in the corner of the room.

It was so distractedly pleasant that you didn't even notice that there was a doctor, yeah a whole person in the room and you didn't even notice.


"Ah, good afternoon Mrs. Park, take a seat, I'm Dr. Jung Hoseok and I'm going to take care of you, how are you today?" The doctor spoke. You were pleased to see the black hair, pinned up into a man bun. He had a face like some guy you'd ask for directions in the street, non-threatening. In his doctor's scrubs, he was clean cut but had that loveable smile, dimples, that was only ever removed from his features when he needed to be serious.

His voice, clean and loud, loosened.

You spoke up, "I-I'm fine, just a little nervous..." The butterflies in your stomach buzzed with excitement.

Softly he spoke, "Don't be nervous, I'm just going to ask a few questions about your health, check on little one and suggest some things, alright?" Dr. Jung stood up and walked over to a counter and pulled out two blue latex gloves out of a box, slipping them on. His posture was like that of a soldier. Every action he took was precise and purposeful. He turned back to Taehyung and simpered.

"You must be daddy?" His voice remained as warm as early spring as if his heart beat so steadily.

Taehyung boastfully stood, nodding his head up high. "Yes, yes I am."

"Alright, Park Chan-ri first I need you to take another urine test to confirm that you are pregnant. You know, store-bought ones can be a little wonky."

Yeah, you know that.

You nodded your head, taking a deep breath. "Okay."

Not again...

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