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2 Months Later - The Last Day of School (Senior Graduation Ceremony)

With a blank, and bored glare, John sat and tuned out everything around him. All these parents, so oblivious to their children's true personalities. They weren't goodie-two-shoes, they were all partiers, getting drunk and high, screwing each other on worn couches in someone's basement. But today, however, all the seniors were dressed in elegant gowns and caps, ready for their graduation. And for those who weren't graduating, they were also in elegant attire. Smiling like idiots, acting a little too innocently around their parents.

"Oi, Mr. Watson,"

John glanced up and weakly smiled. "Hello, Greg,"

"How are you this morning?" he sat beside John and smiled.

"How do you think,"

"Oh come on, lighten up,"

"Don't you think I've tried?"

Greg crossed his arms. "It's been a few months,"

"Am I supposed to magically get over the situation in just a few months?" John snapped.

"I'd think so,"

John sighed. "You've never been in love, have you?"

"Not that I can remember."

"Then why are you talking to me, go talk to some girls or something,"

"I do have a girlfriend,"

"Then go talk to her,"

"I will,"

They sat in silence for a few moments, Greg smiling weirdly at John until he spoke up.

"Is he coming?"

"I'm not sure, no has heard from him since the whole thing went down. He's been missing almost 3 months,"

John cringed. "I hope he's alright.."

"I do too,"

The intercom made a sizzling noise, and then a voice irrupted. "All seniors who are graduating, please make your way to the auditorium."

"Well, I'll see you later then, Mr. Watson,"

Greg stood and left the room, leaving John alone.


Every parent in the room was either crying like a fool or snapping endless pictures at the graduating seniors. Some doing both. John sat with his coworkers, who were all exchanging odd glances to each other and to him. Wondering why he was so gloomy, none knew the reason for his dramatic change in attitude. They all assumed it was the most common of reasons - failing marriage, a tragic loss. Which they were both true, just not in the ways they'd think.

"Greg Lestrade," the announcer said, with a long unneeded pause between the two names.

John clapped, this of course was the only student he clapped for at all. Which made many people look at him with annoyance.

"Sherlock Holmes," John's head snapped up.

There was some clapping, and when no one got up to claim the diploma, there was an awkward silence.

John's eyes began to water, and all he wanted was for Sherlock to stand and take that slip of paper.

"Is he not here? He was here for role before the ceremony began."

"He was here?!" John yelped.

"Was, yes, but apparently Mr. Holmes has left. If he returns, we shall give him his diploma,"

The announcer continued calling names, Sherlock forgotten, by all except Greg and John. Who both had their heads low, in attempt not to weep.


The ceremony was over, all of the seniors were now officially graduated. They were all just mingling now, talking amongst each other, thanking teachers, snapping pictures.

John stood in the back of the room, eyes wandering over the crowd, searching for Greg. Or rather, Sherlock.

After what felt like an eternity, of sitting and watching, Greg finally came into view. He was hand in hand with a smiling young woman. He led her over to John, and smiled weakly.

"Mr. Watson, this is Molly, my girlfriend,"

"Hi," John said.

The girl smiled and nodded her head.

"I just wanted to thank you for being a great teacher, and that I'll try to keep in touch," Greg said.

John nodded. "I sure hope so,"

His eyes watered, and they both knew 'keep in touch,' meant 'I'll let you know if Sherlock comes up.'

Greg nodded, and pulled Molly along.


2 Months Later

For five months, Sherlock lived in an alley way. Deep in the streets of London. He never begged for money, food, or shelter, he just lay behind a dumpster. Most nights, crying over a man who lived a few miles down the road. He didn't feel sorry for himself, and he didn't wish for something better. He was used to being cold, and worn out. Living with his father for almost six years was hell on earth for the kid. Half the time, his dad made him sleep on the back porch as punishment. It snowed sometimes, and being without a blanket or anything to provide warmth for that matter, he'd end up covered in snow and frost by the morning. His dad didn't care though, he was a ruthless man, who blamed others for his problems.

On this particular night in London, however, it was quiet. Cold of course, but the silence struck Sherlock the most. It was peaceful, and living in an alley wasn't always peaceful. So tonight felt a little better for him.

He closed his eyes, and smiled, feeling actually comfortable for the first time since he ran away.

"Well, you look mighty cosy," said an all too familiar voice, ripping his smile right off his face.

"I should have doubted my ability to stay away from you,"

Mycroft smiled. "Come on, little brother, mum has been worried sick,"

"I'm not going back to Greenwich, Mycroft, I'm staying here in London." Sherlock glared at his brother, who was of course dressed in his usual suit and tie, looking smug.

"What exactly are you going to do then? Live in this stupid alley for the rest of your life? I thought you wanted to go to uni, do something great with your life?"

"Since I actually left my own graduation, without a diploma, I think my chances of getting into uni are slim,"

"Not with a brother like me,"

Sherlock looked at him again, his head barely peaking out from his rain jacket. Which was completely soaking wet.

"I can get you in, you could be that detective you've always wanted to be,"

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