5 - Oops

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One cocky student took his time getting to class. Pacing lazily down the hall, dragging his hand across the lockers. Smiling at the crowd of students rushing to get into class, he could care less about being late.

He waited, happy as could be, until the doorway was empty. He wasn't usually patient, but today was different.

The sky was blue, cloudless. The sun was bright and warm, heating his skin nicely. He slept in a comfortable bed, he dreamed, for the first time in a long time.

He was looking up.

Once he was in the classroom, he stopped, examining his fellow classmates. They all busied themselves by digging through bags, furiously writing, and waiting impatiently for their lesson to start. His greenish blue eyes then roamed over his teacher, who was quietly organizing papers at his desk.

Slowly, Sherlock walked beside Mr. Watson's desk.

"Good afternoon, John," he whispered.

John looked up, smiling immediately as their eyes met. "Good afternoon,"

Sherlock smirked, slowly pacing away, fingers running along the desk playfully.

He sat in his seat in that back of the classroom, next to Greg.

"You shag him yet?"

Sherlock glared at him. "No, you idiot."

Greg chuckled. "Then what's going on between you two?"

I hope, something. I mean he was flirting with me last night.


"Good luck then,"

Sherlock raised an eyebrow. "Why are you wishing me luck?"

Greg shrugged, lowering his voice so Mr. Watson's lesson could be heard. "Well. One, I'm your best mate, I should being supporting your stupid choices. Two, I know you very well, and I know you think something is going to happen. Like you'll both be head over heels for each other, but in reality it's probably not going to happen. So, 'good luck,' I hope you get the best outcome. Three, he's almost ten years older than you. Four, he's your teacher. If anything happened between you two, it would be illegal. Five, he's married. Six, you might mistake his kindness, for flirting."

Sherlock's bottom lip quivered, he looked away. "...Shut up,"

Being 17, Sherlock was very inexperienced with relationships. Love, more or less.

He'd never actually been in a relationship before, so his understanding of love was quite immature.

That is, until his feelings for John came to be.

He'd never admit any such feelings (not yet at least), because he thought he was just a dumb kid himself.

He didn't know the true feeling of love, and he wasn't interested in trying it figure it out. He heard the tales of heartbreak and decided he'd want nothing to do with it.

But if he had to guess, the feeling in his chest was pretty close.

Knowing what Greg had just said was very, very true, made his heart break.

He put a hand over his heart, and tried to think of ways to get rid of that horrible feeling.

He wasn't even fully aware of the reasons for the hurt, he just knew it was unbearable to think he couldn't have John.


"Did you finish those work sheets I gave you?" John asked, sitting beside Sherlock.

"Yeah," he replied, pulling out three papers from his bag. Each were covered in writing, on both sides.

"Good," John took the papers and began examining them, nodding in approval every now and again.

"You did very well," he smiled, setting the paper down after a few minutes.

Sherlock nodded. "Thanks,"

John raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"


His expression said otherwise.

"I'm not easily fooled, Sherlock. What's going on?"

He looked at John blankly, pondering.

I can't really just come right out and say "Hey I think you're hot, and I'd really like to shag you!"

"It's nothing,"

John put his hand on Sherlock's knee, and leaned close. "If you do change your mind, or if it actually is something, remember I'm all ears. I'd be happy to listen."

Sherlock shuddered, a gasp escaping his lips.

John cocked his head slightly, silently questioning.

You alright?

Sherlock knew not how to deal with his feelings, since he had never been in any relationship, and he didn't know how love felt.

Until now.

Staring deeply into his teacher's blue eyes, faces only inches apart, he couldn't hold back.

Temptation, hurt, burning want, flew through him.

Sherlock shut his eyes tightly, and kissed John.

John's eyes only widened as their lips pressed together, but he couldn't find himself to push the boy away.

Sherlock relaxed slightly, the words "holy shit" in bright lights fading away now. Neither could move, they sat with their lips joined. Both thinking the exact same thing.

Jesus who knew lips could be so soft...

Then, to Sherlock's surprise, John urged them to continue. Gently parting his lips, and closing them again.

Sherlock followed his lead, their mouths soon moving in sync, tongues dancing together.

Within seconds, things heated. John's hands were caressing Sherlock's cheeks. While Sherlock's were running through his hair.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is wrong. I'm his teacher. This can't-but god he's so good at this.

After what felt like an eternity of snogging, Sherlock pulled away, gasping for breath.

The two stared at each other, unsure of what to do next.

"...Oops..." they whispered together.

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