9 - Prom Night

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Here it is, the smutty chapter I've been talking about in the previous chapters. I hope you all enjoy this deliciously dirty Johnlock chapter, and the more smut to come.

This chapter is long, angsty, and smutty.


It was here, the night of Prom. 99% percent of the high school had gotten no sleep the night before, too anxious, nervous, and excited to get even a wink of rest. But it's okay, most of the girls knew their way around makeup and had a few tricks to cover up any bags or dark circles under their eyes. And the boys, all they had to do was chug a red bull and they were good.

Our dearest Sherlock however, treated today like any other, he wasn't nervous, anxious, but he sure was excited. He had passed John in the hall on his way to first period, and they both smiled at each other, in secret meaning.


A hand smacked against Sherlock's shoulder, startling him. "Oi, what are you daydreaming about now?"

"Nothing, Lestrade,"

Greg smirked. "Who's your date for tonight?"

"I don't have one,"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I didn't ask anyone, no one asked me. You should be familiar with that scenario,"

"Oh no, I'm going with Molly."

Sherlock did a double take. "You and Molly?"

Greg beamed. "Yeah,"

"I guess anything is possible,"

"Sherlock! You cock."


The bell rang and everyone shuffled out, even Greg. Who would usually wait to see if his friend wanted to join him for an evening of whiskey and Star Trek, was far too excited to waist any of his time not getting ready for tonight.

Sherlock lazily walked behind the crowd, carefree and grinning like an idiot. John witnessed this and couldn't hold back a quiet chuckle. Everything that boy did, John found either incredibly sexy or completely adorable.

Eventually, his other students managed to get out the door and sprint home. Sherlock took the opportunity to shut the door, close the blinds, and walk his way over to John.

"Any plans for tonight, Mr. Watson?"

John shivered, his student was just evil. "Possibly, I was hoping someone would make my job tonight a little more bearable."

Sherlock sat down on John's desk and crossed his legs. "Really? I was hoping I'd see someone there, someone special,"

"Well maybe we'll both get lucky,"

Both of their eyes grew wide, mouths gaping in shock. John had meant 'maybe we'll get lucky enough to share a dance.' But what had come out was that little term, 'Get lucky.' Which they both thought of shagging at that moment. And for a while, they both wanted too. Even pictured it, how great it would be. Sherlock had thought about it before, he was 17 and a boy for christ sake, he thought of sex all the time. John thought of it too, but those dirty thoughts always made him feel quilty. Although, if he knew of Mary's adultery he wouldn't feel so bad whenever he masturbated to those thoughts.

"Um," Sherlock giggled. "I sure hope so,"

He leaned over the desk, face close to his teachers. Their lips were only inches apart, eyes locked on one another's, burning with tension.

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