39|Open to truths of life.

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Forever, we are young.
Flying petals, swirling like the rain.
Wandering through the maze of life.
Forever we are young.
Even if you fall and get hurt,
I keep running towards my dream.

~Forever young, BTS.


Happy reading. 🎈

Writer POV:

Taking the elevator down the building Laila was checking for money in her wallet. She had to buy some groceries so she was going through the things when the ding of elevator grabbed her attention and she got off.

She walked along the pavement with songs blasting in her headphones. The traffic sound gives her headache so she prefers this solution. She was humming the song lightly along with the beat.

When she was an alley away from the grocery store she took off her headphones. There she suddenly came across a man, the man who was the best yet the worst personality in her life. Her pace slowed down and her heart almost filled up with tonnes of emotions, Same went with that man. Both of them suddenly got stuck in the universe of emotions.

It's been more than a week since he last saw his daughter. He tried to kept up with emotionless face but was terribly failing and Laila could assure this.

"Salam baba", she greeted him with a very low voice.

"Walikum assalam", he replied in a monotone.

"How you are?" She politely asked him while fidgeting her thumbs. There was so much awkwardness and distance between them, this relation should have all the comfort of life but here they were drowned in distress.

"I'm good", his reply was simple. Her heart was hurt a bit. She bowed a little to him in respect.

"I'll leave then. Take care", she passed a small smile to him before taking steps away from him. Her heart was heavy, not just hers, his too.

He wanted to ask where was she living? How was she doing? If she ate something or not? How her exams went? And many more things but he was unable. He was frozen in his spot, hearing her fading footsteps when a loud thud skipped his heart to his throat. He suddenly turned and saw Laila on the floor holding her head in pain as if something hit her head.

He almost ran with those weak old legs to his daughter.

"Laila Laila?" His voice had so much concern, so much worry, so much love. Her heart filled more but that unbearable pain in her head was killing her.

"What happened?" He tried to help her sit when a gasp left his mouth on witnessing blood trailing down her face. He pressed her wound to prevent excess bleeding and took her head in his lap when few tears pricked his old wrinkly eyes.

"Oh my child", his heart cried with a sound.

She was hissing in pain when he saw a shadow taking over them. His heart almost stopped when he saw the same guy from that party. The blonde one. What's the name? He was unable to recall. His poor old heart was picking pace. He wanted to protect his daughter.

"You old geezer, get away before I kill you. Let me take her with peace", he heard him saying in a stern tone.

"No, don't touch my daughter, I'll kill you if you even try", he sounded hard but inside his heart was betraying him. What else could he do? He was an old man, how could he fight that strongly looking man.

Mending Eachother ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora