21|What I'm gonna do now?

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The sun peeked behind the clouds.
Her long hair flipped with the morning breeze.
A mug of coffee and an amazing book with a view of mountains created goals in a picture.
His memories faded more.
Did she regretted?


Happy reading. 🎈

Writer POV:

"Adam?" His name rolled out of Inayah's mouth when she witnessed so much tenderness in his actions while helping out Laila to stand on her feet.

After whole ten years her eyes were beholding the sight of the man who was always her dream. Adam was so perfect that no girl could ever resist him but despite being really charming she failed at getting his attention.

A pang of jealousy crossed her heart.

"You Okay?" Adam leaned a little to meet Laila's height, she slowly lifted her teary orbs to look back in his concerned one. She sniffed and nodded her head slowly.

"It's okay, don't feel bad", he tried to cheer her up but she wasn't at ease.

"Where you get that heels when you don't even match the standard of them?" Here came the bitch to sister who intruded and abashed poor Laila more.

Adam passed a deadly glare to Sanah but she just gave cold shoulder to that man.

"People shall I introduce you all to her?" Sanah said in a loud tone where mock dominated everything. Laila's heart picked another wild beat giving her sweaty palms. She wanted to run away.

"Meet the abandoned child of our family, Ms. Laila. Actually her works made her shunned outcasted child of our family, do you know she returns home at around 3 in the morning, where she goes nobody knows", Sanah's words added more burden to Laila's poor heart. She stared back that witch with gobsmacked expression while Adam's eyes slowly darted in between the two sisters.

Low mutters raised from the cluster of people.

"Is the girl of any respected family do this? The answer is straight. NO", she talked back more.

"What do you think I have no idea what you do, I have always kept my eyes on you sister and was waiting for the right time to humiliate you", Sanah snorted and Laila gulped in another lump in her throat. Her words were killing her heart with each second. She badly regretted for coming here.

"And-" , she continued but a voice halted her in her mid tracks.

"Stop", he glared down at that idiot.

"Not a single more word", Adam pointed a finger on that pathetic BBC reporter.

He took a step to Laila and hold her hand, she with surprised expressions stared back him, who made her walked with him and gently dragged her out from the gathering leaving all other around in doubt. His parents and sister shared a perplexed look, they had no idea about Laila. Harris silently witnessed the drama and observed Inayah intently, her expression screamed that she still had affection for his brother. His anger amplified but he took hold of himself. He was planning something in his mind in which he's gonna use Laila very professionally.

Inayah just stared the two backs disappearing from her sight. She couldn't believe how her fate was playing with her. She's again connected to them now by a girl. Her friend Laila. But what's going on between Laila and Adam, her heart and mind both got jealous and dangled in incredulity.

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