30|Was Harris changing?

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He said he couldn't continue.
Her heart shattered into pieces.
She felt dejected but little did she knew he only did that for her well being.
He couldn't let her esteem played in the hands of the society.
Being far from her he still wanted to protect her.



Happy reading. 🎈

Writer POV:

He was munching loudly on purpose making others annoyed by his presence. With bowed head she barely gulped in the bolus in her throat. The utter silence on the table was piercing her soul, all she wanted at the moment was to ran away.

"Eat Laila babe", he spoke with a love tone and she gulped in her spit digging a dagger into him with her eyes but soon halted them back to her lap. She felt all the eyes on her and barely took hold of her shivering self.

"Okay I'm done. We should leave", this time Harris patted his hands together and passed a smile to Laila but she was gobsmacked by his chill self. The shoe clinking grabbed their attention and there he stood all tall and handsome in his Armani suit, probably ready for the meeting. His face was hard with eyes glued on little Laila but she didn't look back.

"You shouldn't look at someone else wife that way brother", Harris statement added more tension to the aura. Her grip around the fork tightened when he spread his palms in front of her.

"Lets go honey", his sweet tone was irking her at the moment but she hurriedly placed her small hand in his with an intention to run away. He tightened his grip around her hand and pulled her more into him adding fire in Adam's heart.

"Relax and let's go", he wishpered in her ear when she shivered a little bowing her head down. Harris now wrapped his arms around her shoulders and took her away from there where a pair of eyes longed for the girl to turn back and look once but they were not adoring that girl even like they used to do.

"Why you're such a drama?" She pierced her elbow in his ribs.

"Owww", a wince left his mouth when his hands dropped off her figure.

"That's painful man", he rubbed his sore ribs while she just glared in his way. He could witnessed her frying in anger.

"That's called 'a good acting' babe", he smirked while messing his hair with his fingers.

"Everything is not a joke Harris", her voice got heavy. His smile dropped.

"You won't understand ever", she took two steps back and turned around while he just sighed and stared at her retreating back. When she was almost out of sight he slipped in his car and followed her.

She kept her pace fast with long strides walking along the roadside where huge timbers on either side got more dense.

"Where will you go alone?" He yelled from inside but she paid no heed. She was frustrated, all she wanted right now was to punch his face or kick his balls.

"Laila babe", he again yelled driving the car at the speed of a turtle.

"Don't call me that and stop following me", this time she turned around completely and pointed a finger in his direction. He saw her eyes pooled with tears. Why he's such a jerk he couldn't even conclude that? She stomped her feet and continued her walk but this time he took hold of her arms.

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