1|Shut the fu** up.

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Night dawned on them when sun hide behind the mountains.
A shiver ran through them when the cold wind blew across their bodies.
Holding their hands tightly they warmed eachother.


Happy reading. 🎈


Writer POV:

"Whoosh", she slumped on the ground below and leaned against the wall behind resting her head on the cold bulwark when that melodious notes raised in the air amplifying her pleasure. Her eyelids fell shut and her hazel orbs hide behind the eye shutters. She hummed along the beat tapping her thin fingers on her thighs. These were her favourites notes of all. Whoever the player was, had commendable taste in music.

The wind gushed passed her short hair barely reaching her shoulders and flipped them along with the music.

The black sky had one bright moon throwing it's light giving the sight in the dark. There was an eerie laconism, only the piano notes and the silence were mingling sometime interrupted by her hum.

After exactly 20 minutes the sound died and her eyes opened. She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair, she was now no more upset. She got up from her place and straightened her jeans and shirt throwing bags on her shoulders.

She walked along the pavement away from that warehouse letting out the low whistle of the same tune she heard a while ago witnessed from behind by the same pair of eyes belonged to the man who runs fingers through the keys of piano and creates a dulcet warble in the air every night.

He kept his eyes on her until she was lost in the fog of the night. He blinked and his hazel eyes shut for some milliseconds before his feet took him inside.

He locked the warehouse and walked to his car stumbling twice where the jingling of keys created another harmonious carol.

He slipped in the driver's seat and brought the engine to life, he took the route other than his house and killed the engine in front of a dungeon like building. Today he had to sign another deal with another gang. He loaded his gun and hid it in the hostler under his jacket and walked down the dirty aisle greeted by bunch of grumpy men until he reached the boss. He was welcomed by the intense nauseating whiff in the air and some disgusting expression made way to his face but he had to do it. He shrugged his shoulders and walked inside the dark room only lit by the bunch of candles.

Their murmers kept echoing in the reticence until their deal finalised.

"Deal done", he extended his hand and the other guy, their boss shook it back giving him a toothy grin. He signed some papers and took his money before taking long strides and exited the oublliete.

She fought with the keys until she found the right one and flew open the door welcomed by the saturninity, well she knew they don't give damn about her existence so she should also stop expecting from them but still she was their child, however the abandoned one.

She walked through the dark lounge and ascended the stairs until she reached her place, yes the only place at home where she finds solace and peace in this whole fu****g house, her room was like oasis in the desert where desert was referred to as this house where she's stuck.

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