2|My first loss.

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Opening her eyes he was the first one in her sight.
Her smile skipped his heart.
He hold her hand and she reached the cloud 9.
A warm touch made her feel home.


Happy reading. 🎈


Harris POV:

I dropped my leather jacket around my shoulders and grabbed my bike keys, today I was in no mood to leave my bed but that fu****g opponent of me had challenged me with a big amount and I'm not amongst the losers, so he would surely face the loss.

Every one at home were fast asleep but I was the night owl who can only sleep when drunk. Huh! Inayah she again crossed my mind. Shrugging my shoulders I made way out of my house.

I ran my bike to the stadium. Today I have to win and I would do it at any cost.  THE EAGLES had to stand victorious again, my gang had to be number one in the race. I pressed the accelator and rushed to my destination.

"Harris Harris Harris", those chicks caked up in makeup were shouting my name, I had no interest in their cheer ups, all I knew was that I had to win the race.

"Hey Mr. Leader", Hannan, leader of the opponent gang whom we were standing against came up to me, we shared a manly hug.

"Ready for the big race?" He questioned with an evil smirk but my smirk was wider.

"Actually I'm ready to win", I replied fixing my helmet on my head.

"You and your pride, good luck though", he said and I just passed him the smirk.

All the bikes in line ready to leave that soil any second, we all gave race to the bikes but kept glued in our position waiting for a gunfire.

3. 2. .1.... Go.

We shot from our places trying to beat eachother, all the bikers were just millimeter apart from eachother but there would be only one winner. And that's ME!

Well what a luck I have got sometimes or probably I'm the best that's why I deserve the position to stay at first. Being followed by all the bikers I merger the speed gaining more distance from them until my feet hit the breaks instead of accelator and here I stopped in mid tracks with a loud screech, that fu****g whoever came in front of my vehicle was saved by an inch, why, I wish that person would have flew in the sky and then landed in the forest being the feed of some wild animals.
My eyes were blazing with fury when I looked in those scared pair of hazel eyes through my helmet glass. Why she seemed familiar?

Laila POV:

After enjoying my favourite meal I walked to that silent warehouse and sat on my spot, it's still half an hour for the piano notes to came out.

Well I usually or probably daily come to this place just for seeking pleasure from my fu**ek up life. One day I passed from here and when these harmonious carol came to me I couldn't help it but listen to that beautiful piece of art which happened to elate my heart. It soothed me.

I kept my eyes closed but its one minute over than 1 and still there's an eerie silence, where was that man? I kept waiting but only got disappointment. It's 1:20 and no sign of that man, where was he, did he die? Oh no now what would I do?

When the clock laughed at me reaching 1:30, I got up. Today's not my day. My eyes fell on the door and it was locked, I just heaved a sigh.

"Let's go home, Laila", mumbling to me I walked away.

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