Chapter 3

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You like these people. You hardly know them, but they make you feel like everything will be okay.

Professor Kukui is gentle and kind, acting almost fatherly towards you. He seems to be genuinely concerned for you and wants to help you any way he can.

Professor Burnet is very sweet. She explained to you what Ultra Beasts are, and how they live in another dimension called Ultra Space. She explained how they travel through portals called Ultra Wormholes to get to this world and back.

Ash is... well, Ash. But in a good way. He tries to make you smile and forget your problems. You feel like you two could be great friends, even if he's younger by a couple years, though you don't know exactly how many.

As nice as they are, they still can't seem to solve the puzzle as to what in the world you were doing in Ultra Space, frozen in some crystal like you were in a coma.

Currently, Ash is trying to help you speak again, though you haven't been very successful.

"Come on! You can do it! Just say 'Alola'!" Ash exclaims enthusiastically. You appreciate his efforts, but you don't think it's going to work. You try it once again, but just like last time, nothing comes out except the sound of straining vocal cords.

"Ash, take it easy, it might take a couple of days until she can speak again," Professor Burnet says.

You take another drink of water, soothing your sore throat. Cato nudges your arm, giving you his support in his own way.

"I have an idea," Professor Kukui says as he leaves the room. Ash looks at you and shrugs, knowing nothing about what the professor might have in mind.

"If she can't tell us her name, she can at least write it down," Kukui says as he returns with a notebook and pencil. He hands the items to you and you hesitantly flip the notebook open to a blank page.

You suddenly feel nervous, as if, deep down, you know something isn't right.

"Okay, first things first, what's your name?" Professor Burnet asks. You bring the pencil to the paper and write out your name, flipping the notebook and showing them your answer.


"(Y/N)! Great! Now we're getting somewhere! Okay (Y/N), what about a last name?" Ash questions. You go to start writing again, but you pause, suddenly realizing that you don't know what to write. The three of them notice your hesitation, and you look up to them, confused.

"You don't know?" Kukui asks with a frown, a hint of concern hidden in his voice. You gently shake your head 'no', starting to feel uneasy.

"Okay, well, let's try something else," Professor Burnet suggests, "How about your home? Where are you from?" You look down and furrow your eyebrows, thinking, but your mind draws a blank. You look up, panic evident on your face.

Why can't you remember anything?

"Don't remember that either, huh?" Ash sighs. You try to remember something, anything about yourself, even the tiniest detail, but nothing comes to mind. Kukui notices you starting to freak out.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, how about, uh," he stutters trying to calm you down, "How about your Luxray? What's his name?"

You look down at your companion next to you, calming down a bit as you realize you remember him, at least. You turn back to the notebook and write 'Cato'. You show the three of them the notebook and you can tell they, too, are relieved that you remember something else.

"Nice to meet you, Cato!" Ash says as he pets your Luxray, the latter giving out a small sound of approval.

"(Y/N)... do you remember anything else? Anything at all?" Professor Burnet asked gently. You look down, shaking your head slowly.

"Well.. getting you home could be a bit difficult, now," Kukui says quietly.

"Maybe this will help a little," Ash says as he grabs a backpack from the corner of the room, "You had this when we found you."

You take it from his outstretched hand, noticing how light it was. You unzipped the bag and looked inside. You frown, slightly disappointed from how little was actually in the backpack. You pull out a blue, knitted beanie, and although you don't fully recognize it, you feel something when you look at it.

Something... familiar.

You set the beanie down next to you and reach back into the bag, this time pulling out a small notebook. You flip through it, finding sketches of different Pokemon filling the pages. You study each one carefully, trying to clutch at any familiarity that could be surfacing in your mind.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Wow, those are pretty good," Burnet said kindly. You gave her a weak smile, closing the notebook and putting it back in the bag. You looked through the other pockets, but they didn't have anything useful in them; just some pens, pencils, and more paper.

There was one thing, though, that sparked something in the back of your mind. You found a book in a small pocket, and it looked like it had been used quite a bit.

It was a book on Mega Evolution.

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