"Really" Jungkook pulled away and asked her in anticipation.

"Yeah, I mean we all do mistakes and we both were young, made bad decisions so it's okay. I forgive you" She gave him a smile. After all, there was no use in holding grudge against something that had happened in the past.

"Rin I have learned my lesson now, from today I will treat you the way you deserve, I will reveal our relationship to our parents, make you meet my friends, I will make up everything..." holding her both hands he began to kiss them while he expressed his intentions.

"Wait, Jungkook" She stopped him realizing he took her forgiveness in the wrong way.

"I forgive you that doesn't mean I am getting back with you" She explained hurriedly to solve his misunderstanding

"Of course, you are" Grabbing her both shoulder he yanked her closer.

"This was to make me realize my mistake right, the kiss, you dating him, everything was to make me come back to my sense right?"Jungkook pleaded with his eyes for her to agree with him but to his fear, she looked away gently shoving his hands off freeing herself from his grasp, and shook her head.

"Jungkook..." with sadness laced in her soft mumble she attempted to speak but Jungkook didn't let her.

"No, I get it, you can stop this act now. I promise I will not hide our relationship anymore. I have learned from my mistake." He was literally begging her as hot tears began to fall one by one showing the pain his heart was going through.

The guy was still in complete delusion. He still couldn't accept the reality and was making up his own stories to deal with the truth but then how could he believe, the girl who had been in love with him since childhood had suddenly lost all of her feelings and left him.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry but I'm not with Jimin to get back at you" she gulped seeing the hurt that was shining in his eyes.

"No, no" Lowering his head, he aggressively denied it.

"I dated him because I fell in love with him" the anguish spread across his face and he shut his ears close not wanting to listen to the words that were nothing but cruel to his delicate heart.

"I love Jimin" Rin was having a difficult time conveying her true feeling as well cause no matter what, she still had a soft spot for the man before her.

"No you love me" His words came out as a whisper as a stream of tears dripped down his chin.

"I did love you Jungkook, I loved you like crazy but it's in the past now. I don't feel the same. Honestly, I lost my feelings for you long ago...I" the guilt amplified within her as she confessed but it was necessary. She had to make him perceive that now there was nothing possible between them.

"...I told you before but you never took it seriously"

"No it's not possible, We were perfect Rin, why would you stop loving me?" He dropped his hands down from his ears and he began to cry like a child as his body trembled in agony.

"No Jungkook, we were toxic, our relationship was not healthy and I was never happy." her revelation was like thousands of needles stabbing his heart. Her every statement made a piece of him being shredded into nothing but bits.

"Please don't say that" He clasped his hands together and began to appeal.

"Please don't leave me, I will..." Wiping his tears he went down to his knees on the floor "I will do anything I promise, I really love you. I won't be able to live without you. You remember right the promise we made..."

"Jungkook, stop" Rin attempted to raise him up but he went further down and begged her pressing his head against the carpeted floor.

"Don't leave me, I know I did a mistake please give me one chance " He was violently shaking as the raw emotion spilled from his eyes non-stop.

"One last chance to make it up to you, Please Rin I beg you" he was wailing in desperation.

His confession made her suffocate. The affection she was desperate to feel in her past was nothing but a burden to her now. The love she was yearning for years had suddenly become bothersome.

"I'm so sorry" She apologized and before she would burst into tears herself, she ran out of the room but froze on her track when she came face to face with Jennie standing behind the door with the bowl of porridge in her hand. 

Her expression was complete in-decipher, she looked lost staring at her with knitted brows.

Knowing that she must have heard their conversation, Rin lowered her head feeling repentant then apologized before rushing outside the mansion.

Never even in her dreams, she had thought Jungkook would be begging her if she would decide to split with him. Till now, she had only thought herself to be one of the many girls Jungkook was fooling around. Till yesterday she was sure all of his affections were fake and his words, just a way to manipulate her to sleep with him.

But the scene that she had beheld a moment ago was a desperate man trying to hold onto the woman he loved. It was quite shocking and heartbreaking to see Jungkook crumbling down right in front of her. If only Jungkook had shown his sincerity a few years ago then things would be completely different but it was too late now and there was no turning back.

 A strong vexing sensation slammed her senses drowning her further into the ocean of guilt.

"There is no use crying over spilled milk" she muttered wiping the unshed tears from the corner of her eyes.

Now no matter how much her heart ached or how hard Jungkook would try to hold on to her things wouldn't change. Her heart had already belonged to someone else, whom she was hoping to share her future.

"He will eventually move on " She mentally convinced herself and texted her boyfriend informing him about her intention to spend the night in his apartment.

My Secret Affair[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now