Big Chungus Ending

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Big Chungus' P.O.V

I drag my love back to their bedroom. They've been a very bad little bunny, but it's hard to stay mad at them for long. Especially with the idea in my head, I just need to tell them the 'good' news. Well, good for me at least. This hallway feels longer than the list of Squidward's lost hopes and dreams. I smirk as I near the door. But once my little bunny sees it, they fight against my grasp desperately trying to get out.

My sympathy for them tugs at my heart and I decide to calm them down before going in. I gently tug my love towards me and envelope them in a gentle, but secure hug. My darling tries kicking me, but it doesn't have any effect on me. I try to sooth the frightened memer, by making soft clicking noises and quietly shushing their fears away. "Sshhhh... Don't be afraid Cutie. It's just a silly door. And if you're worried about your punishment, I'm not going to cause you any harm."

Once I say that, they visibly relax and I take this opportunity to slowly move them into the room. But once (Y/N) notices that they're in the room, they break out of my loving embrace and they run towards the open door.

In a panic, I quickly grab their arm and I push them farther away from the door and I shut the door closed and locked it. I just have pushed them harder than I intended, because I hear a slight gasp and a thud. I look at the source of the sound and I see my lovely memer sitting on the ground and looking up at me with wide optics that shine a reflection of me in them. Excited to tell the news, I clear my throat and get closer to them.

"Well at least  you're sitting down now, because I got something important to tell you." They nod and speak to me, trying to put on a brave face but fails. "W-What is i-it?" They say in a meek and shaky voice. I just chuckle chonkly.

"Well... Do you know where dead memes go after they 'die'?" A look of confusion crosses over their face, so I continue "They go to the prism of memes and they stay there for all of eternity until someone finds the key and opens it up. Which is not going to happen for a loooooooong time."

I can't control the wide ecstatic grin stretches across my face, while my partner has an incredulous look and they have a skeptical tone to their voice as they speak. "So... what are you getting at?" I pretend to be sad by forcing my grin to change into a deep frown.

"Well... I'm due to leave today, and sadly humans aren't allowed to go in..." (Y/N) smiles with hope gleaming in their eyes. But I can't keep the act up and I smirk before continuing. "But that's why today is a special day..."

The hope in their eyes quickly vanishes and is replaced with worry. I chuckle and speak some more. "Because... The guards of the prism are out fighting in the raid of Area 51. So that means I can easily sneak you in there with me, without anyone noticing!"

I can't hold back my laughter at the amount of luck I have. As my laughter echoes loudly in the room, my love has a look of pure horror across their face. "ISN'T THAT GREAT, MY LOVE!? YOU CAN BE WITH ME FOREVER!! SINCE YOU CAN'T AGE PHYSICALLY IN THE PRISM OF MEMES, WE CAN ENJOY EACH OTHER'S COMPANY TILL THE END OF TIME!!!"

My voices has a booming echo across the room and as I just look at my little bunny, I shake in excitement. I get closer towards my love and I crouch down to their eye level. They don't react as they are still processing this information, but I can hear their heavy breathing. I stroke my hand slowly across their cheek. I look at them and I breathe out in amazement.

"Oh, yeah. It's all coming together~ My future looks bright with you in it." I try to feel closer to them by putting my forehead against theirs. But they scuttle away before I could do so. They finally find their beautiful voice and they speak with confidence.

"But someone will find the key someday and when that happens, they'll release me and I'll be free from you-!" I put my finger up to their soft lips to silence them, so that I could contradict their thought.

"But you must remember Sweetie. Once that day comes, I'll be released as well and there's no way that I will ever let someone as wonderful as you leave my life. That would be just plain foolish." I get closer towards (Y/N) by slowly crawling to them, but they back up matching my pace until they bump into the wall.

Panic becomes evident in their eyes, as they start trying to kick me away. "NO! YOU MEANY! GO AWAY!!" I fight through the kicks and continue closing the proximity. Once they are in arms reach, I put my hands on both of their shoulders and I quickly pull them in a tight embrace. Which causes my love to squeak in surprise in the cutest way.

They struggle against my secure hold but I just tighten my grip. After a couple of minutes, they calm down and I soften my hold. I push (Y/N)'s head into my shoulder and I start slowly stroking their hair. (Y/N) sniffles and I can feel them shiver at my touch. I put my head on their shoulder and smell their wonderful scent, which makes my sigh in euphoria.

"Ahhh~ I wish I could be like this forever. But I bet we'll have lots of beautiful moments like this. Especially when we move into our new home together." Just as I say that a portal appears a few feet away from us and (Y/N) gasps once they see it. I look at the portal and chuckle. "Oh well! Speak of perfect timing! Now my love... Let's enjoy all of eternity together and walk towards the future!"

I try to pick up my bae, but they just break out of my hold and they run away from me. When I try to get closer to them, they run away from me. "No! You fluffin mother chonker!! I'm not going anywhere near that portal! I'm going to miss the next Pewdiepie update, and I haven't deleted my browser history yet!" They yell desperately, but deep down inside they know that they're fate is inevitable. I can tell.

Getting impatient, I run up to my lover and pick them up bridal style. When they try getting out of my grasp, I growl loudly as a warning. They get the message and they put their head down in defeat. GG me... I head towards the portal with something more valuable than a Minecraft chest full of diamonds in my arms. I stop right in front of the portal and I take a shaky breath as so many emotions hit me at once and a singular tear escapes my eye. I look down at my bae to see them with tears in their eyes as well. Before I could say anything, the portal suddenly succed us both in.

The portal than disappears leaving an empty room, that used to hold a memer and an obsessive lover. They will never see that room ever again...

GOOD MORNING GAMERS!!! Sorry it took me so long to update

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GOOD MORNING GAMERS!!! Sorry it took me so long to update. A creeper blew up all of my meme supplies. I hope you've enjoyed this story. And if you're wondering... Yes this book is a joke. Last note. If you're not subscribed to Pewdiepie, I'll send Big Chungus to chonk off your fonker.

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