Under the dark folds

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*I recommend that you play the song above when Big Chungus comes into the scene*

First person p.o.v
It's been a week since I've seen Big Chungus, and my subscribers really like the video I put of ultra instinct Shaggy. Big Chungus is a dead meme now, and I kinda feel bad for the fella. I mean, he did try to help me as best as he could, but the secret to memeary
was stolen from him. He must have been pretty upset, I know what it's like to have memes stolen from me, so I have sympathy for the guy. And to top that off, he must be really lonely as a dead meme. I lean back in my 399$ chair and think.

'Maybe... I should give him some company, and I'll even make a carrot cake for the fluffy chonker!' I suddenly get up from my chair and I shimmy over to the kitchen. Once I'm in the kitchen I collect my ingredients, and I prepare my equipment. While I'm making the cake, I hear a crash near my kitchen window. I move my focused gaze over to the window, only to see Squidward stuck halfway through my now broken window.

It seems to be that someone threw him at my window, and I can see that Squidward inked all over my window. A mixture of black and red cover the bottom half of my window dripping down to the floor. Squidward is lifeless, and unmoving seemingly dead. 'Hm... That's weird. Maybe I should go check on him.' I drop my things and slowly walk over to Squidward. I pause once I see Squidward turn completely black and bits of him slowly disintegrating away. My face is in complete utter shock.

'He's fading away from existence! But that can only happen if a dead meme kills a still alive meme, but dead memes are way weaker than a still alive meme! There's no way!' My thoughts are muddled at the thought of one of my childhood heroes going away forever. "SQUIDWARD!! NO!" I quickly run over to Squidward, and I'm still deciding whether to console him before he goes, or to beg him to just stay a while longer. I crouch down to his level and try to speak to him with a quarter of him already gone.

With a sad, desperate ,and quivering voice I say. "Squidward, please don't fade away on me. A lot of people support you, they still need you it's not your time to leave yet!" Squidward looks into my doeful eyes that is on the brink of tears. His eyes holding a somewhat empty sadness within them as he lowers his head back down to it's original position as he didn't have the energy to keep his head up.

I grab onto his right tentacle since his left one is completely gone, and I ask in a sad and demanding voice. "Squidward, who did this to you?" Squidward opens his mouth and tries to say something, but fails as he only coughed and hacked up blood, those are his last breaths of life. The rest of him starts fading away faster as his fight for existence was over.

I squeeze the remainder of his tentacle harder to try and make him stay, but it's no help as the rest of him disintegrates leaving only his blood and ink behind. I stay there frozen as the myriad of emotions that I was holding back, came flooding out of my eyes like a waterfall. My face feels hot, and I have no control over my tear ducts. My muddled thoughts finally become lucid enough for my to think over my woes.

'I can't believe I have to clean this mess up. My kitchen will never smell the same ever again! Don't worry, Squidward. I'll avenge you, once I get this kitchen clean.' I wipe my tears and recollect myself in order to finish the cake. I head over to the sink to wash my hands. I'm not going to cook with blood and ink on my hands, because that would be just nasty. When I'm done with that, I go over to the kitchen, determined to finish this tasty cake with all of my might.

Time skip, sponsored by G-fuel~

Third person P.O.V
The (Insert Gender here) is walking in a forest, heading in a certain direction with a look of confidence in their face. In their hands, is a delicious looking carrot cake ready to be eaten. But what really bothers me, is the weird choice of hat on their head. A green alien looking hat, that does not fit the current mood, and situation. But whatever, it is what it is.

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