Some Thiccc Inquiries

567 19 27

Big Chungus' P.O.V
I watch (Y/N) as they stops struggling, and they lean into my hug. I release them from my hug, but I'm still holding onto their shoulders. They're eyes are closed, and I can hear they're small and cute breaths. I can't help but squeal like a fangirl at the thought that they fell asleep in my arms. I can't waste this perfect opportunity to take the memer to my house, or hole. Whatever! I hold them bridal style, and I walk out of the house and to our next destination.

When I am outside, I look over to my left, and I see Phil Swift leaning against a tree. He looks my way, before walking over to me. I then open my mouth to speak "Hey, Phil Swift. Thanks for leaving the door open, and catching (Y/N) off guard." After speaking my gratitude. Phil Swift then speaks regarding the deal. "It's no problem! As long as you keep your end of the deal..." He said the last sentence with a slightly dark tone.

He then continues on with his statement. "I was about to get a good sponsor, but if you make up you're end of the deal. It will be a lot better, and more profitable." I can tell Phil Swift is this worried that I won't be able to fill in my end of the bargain, so I reassure him that he has nothing to worry about.

"Of course. I will make sure that I convince Pewdiepie to let you host an episode of meme review. I have ties to him and other famous Youtubers, and he also owns me a favor." Then Phil's face lights up, and he has stars in his eyes. "Alright! If that's the case I'll make sure to not let anyone bother you lovebirds. Oh! And Here's some Flex tape!"

Phil Swift then tossed the Flex Tape at me, but since I have my hands full I move my head so that my ears can catch it. It's like a game of ring toss, but not rigged. Once I have the Flex Tape I turn away to leave for my house with the memer in my arms.

Time skip brought to you by Meme Review~

(Y/N)'s point of view*
I open my eyes slightly, and my mind feels foggy, and hazy also accompanied with a headache. I groan and shift a little in my spot. 'Was that just a nightmare? Ughhh... What time is it?' I let out a quiet yawn, and I stretch only to find out that my arms are stiff, and I can't move them from behind my back.

Once I realize that I can't separate my wrists or my ankles I fully wake up, and I opens my eyes all the way. All I see is darkness, and my heart beats faster out of anxiety and fear. I am now hyperventilating, but I try to control my breathing. It's just a bit hard to calm down when you're in a dark room and your arms and legs are basically immobile.

I hear heavy footsteps coming near me, and I pause to try and pretend I'm not here, but this time I'm not making the mistake of holding in my breath. Instead, I take small and quiet breaths, but they come out really shaky. 'Please don't find me... I'm not here.' The heavy stomps stop right in front of me, and soon after is... Silence, but then I hear a shaky contempt sigh, and then I feel something stroking my cheek.

My breath hitches, and I feel like my heart could jump out any second. I hear a click, then a dim light fills the room. "There. Now I can see you a lot better" I slowly move my head to look at Big Chungus, but once I do I see his big and menacing eyes stare deep into my (e/c) eyes. I quickly advert my gaze to look around the room I am in.

The room looks like a basement with cement walls, and a cement floor. There's nothing in it except the bed that I am on, and a nightstand next to the bed. The source of light is a lamp that is on the nightstand. The only exit I see is a metal door, and it probably has a stairway that leads to the main part of this building. I then look at what's keeping my wrists and ankles bonded together.

'Is this Flex Tape? I'm never going to get this super strong, adhesive, and waterproof barrier off of me without hel-' A gloved hand brought me out of my thoughts, and started petting my head. I squirm away from the soft touch. Only to have Big Chungus tug harshly on my hair to make me stay in place, and I let out a small whimper of pain.

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