True Ending

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My body keeps shaking as I process the words Big Chungus said. He grabs my wrist and starts dragging me away. A second later, I hear the notification sound of a phone, and it's coming from Big Chungus. He stops and pulls out his phone from his folds, still having a tight grip on me. He tusks in annoyance from the notification, "Spanish lesson? I don't have time for this, and I already lost my streak yesterday so it doesn't matter." He swipes away his notification, and he puts his phone away without a second thought before continuing to drag me towards the room I was kept in.

My mind is in a haze, and it feels like I have fog in my head. I still attempt a few pointless struggles, but it's not very effective. My adrenaline that I had from before is gone, and I'm just left with my muddled mind, and my worry filled thoughts. I feel as helpless as a fly stuck on a web, waiting to meet my doom. But as my eyes catch a glimpse of that cursed door, I feel the adrenaline rush back to me as I still have some fight left. I struggle and I move my body to back up away from the door and away from Big Chungus.

Big Chungus seems to not like my reluctance, so he tugs harder on my already aching arm. But I'm not giving up that easily, so I kick sporadically hoping that at least one kick will be enough to stun him. But all of my kicks don't seem to be affecting him, then Big Chungus turns around to look at me with a blank look on his face, and he speaks to me in a monotone voice. "Are you done with your little tantrum now?" I pause, and pretend to be pondering his question as I already knew the answer.

I then prepare to blurt out my answer with a nonchalant voice. "Nope!" I then quickly step back and charge all of my energy into a powerful kick. As Big Chungus feels the hard impact, he stumbles back accidentally letting go of my arm. I take the opportunity, so I start to run as fast as I can, away from my captor. But Big Chungus quickly recovers from the recoil and starts chasing after me. But before I could run any faster, I feel a heavy weight tackle me down to the ground. I try to push him off of me, but he's too Thiccc and chunky, so I have trouble breathing.

Big Chungus rolls off of me, but before I could get up, he keeps me pinned to the ground using one of his hands on my upper back. I now start to panic even more than I was before, so now I am struggling violently in fear that he might do something bad to me. Big Chungus keeps me to the ground and he quietly sushes me and I feel his other hand slowly petting my head as he tries to calm my hyperventilating form down. Big Chungus probably sees me as a small frightened animal that needs comforting. I want to scream, but my voice is failing me right now. Big Chungus is still petting my quivering head when he starts to do some soft clicking noises, that somewhat calm me down. I wish I could fight back, but my body feels way too calm. I feel like a warm puddle that doesn't want to be disturbed 'Dammit! How did he know that I like ASMR?!'

Once I am completely calm, Big Chungus lifts me off the ground and helps me back on my feet. Big Chungus leads me through the corridor, a few steps later my eyes catch a glimpse of my memey prison. I'm too tired to fight back, so I just accept my fate and wait for my punishment. Big Chungus opens the door and practicality throws me in there, I look at him in annoyance and grunt in displeasure. "Mood swing much?" I say in a sardonic tone.

Big Chungus quickly comes in and slams da door shut. He looks at me with a fiery glare that stares deep into my soul. Then he walks over to my form and he stops five feet away from me. Big Chungus looks down at me and he speaks to me in that chonky voice that shakes my core. "You know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna-" Big Chungus suddenly gets interrupted by a knock on the door, Big Chungus turns around to look at the door as the knocks continue. A scowl lines Big Chungus' features as he turns around and stomps angrily towards the door.

Once he opens the door, I lift my head up to try and see who it is. I can't see who it is because Big Chungus is covering the view of the door, but the newcomer's voice breaks out and it strikes me as oddly familiar. It's... Duo... I put all of my attention towards the following conversation between Big Chungus and Duo. "What are you doing here?" Big Chungus says in a aggravated voice. "You missed your Spanish lesson and I gave you a warning in the form of a notification, which you ignored." Duo says in a stern voice. "SO?! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, BIRD BRAIN?!" Big Chungus yells at Duo as he lost his patience.

Then Duo suddenly pulls out a knife and charges at Big Chungus without warning, Duo stabs Big Chungus. But the stab doesn't affect Big Chungus thanks to his fluffy folds acting as armour, so the knife and Duo get bounced back. Duo slides across the floor, but he stops himself from slamming into the wall by skidding. Big Chungus and Duo glare at each other in a standoff, but Duo's face quickly changed from a scowl to his face looking like a lightbulb just went off in his head.

Big Chungus pulls an Ak47 out of his folds and he points it right at Duo, Big Chungus has a wide smirk on his face. "Any last words?" Duo stands up straight and looks Big Chungus in the eyes as he speaks. "Yeah, I would like to say something. Say hello to the aliens for me."  Just as Duo said that, he kicked Big Chungus with as much force as he can, and Big Chungus' folds make him more buoyant so he easily broke through the ceiling and got shot up into the sky. When I look up, the last I see of Big Chungus disappears with a twinkle in the sky. He's gone... I have no idea where he'll end up, but I just feel a huge relief in my chest.

I look over to Duo as I would like to thank him for saving me from a forever fate with a menacing Chungus. "Thank you, Duo. I don't know what he would have done to me if you weren't here." I say to the feathery hero, but he just looks at me with a blank face and says "Sure, you're welcome. But you better not miss you're language lesson, or you'll end up like him. Clear?" After seeing what Duo is capable of, I just nod my head really fast, agreeing to his terms of service. But what he doesn't know is that I don't even have a phone anymore, and I never even installed Duolingo. Duo turns around and he says a terse response "Good" then he just disappeared. I get up and go outside, getting a taste of freedom.

Meanwhile, Ultra instinct Shaggy is behind a tree, looking over at Duo with relief and pride in his eyes. "Like, zoinks dude. Looks like my replacement is doing a fantastic job. My time in this is realm is nearly over, Scooby is waiting for me in the prism of memes. I hope that the memer can stay safe now." Once he says that, he starts disintegrating away in the form of blue sparkles, before completely disappearing.

1 Week time skip

It's been one week since I escaped from Big Chungus, everything is so calm now, like it was supposed to be. When I first went home, I had to clean up the mess in my house. But I cleaned it with ease, so I have nothing to worry about, I'm just glad that I'm home. I even got a new phone, and now I am extra careful with it. Even though I was trapped with Big Chungus for about a day, It felt like long difficult weeks.

But that's besides the point, I should probably stop reminiscing about the bad things that happened to me and just focus on what I'm doing right now. I break out from my pensive state to look at my computer screen which is on Reddit™ I spot a lot of juicy memes that just make me burst into a laughing fit. When my laughter settles down, I scroll down to see more memey sensations. But something catches my eye, it's a picture of a black hole. I want to scroll away, but for some reason this picture is giving me chills. I want to find out how this picture is making me feel this way, so I start to zoom in. Once I am completely zoomed into the picture, my heart skips a beat and my palms feel sweaty. Something in the black hole that is straight from my nightmares is in there. It's...

Big Chungus... And he's waving at me...

The End (c:

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