Silent, but Chunky.

582 22 21

First person p.o.v
I run around my massive house to each and every window, to close, and lock the windows as well as close the curtains while I'm at it. My breath is fast and incessant, with the thought that every new window I go to, there might be a chance to see a big menacing Chungus. I am completely on edge as I try to find all of the possible hiding spots, just in case.

I sigh as I walk over to the kitchen to clean up the Squidward mess. As I look at the mess, I am filled with grief. 'Sorry, Squidward. I don't think I can avenge you' I thought to myself as a sad sigh escapes from my lips. I pick up a plate that sits on the counter top, and I examine it closely. It's a plate that looks like Edgar the pug. It's one of my favorite plates.

I lose my track of thought while I stare at Edgar's sexy plate face, but I get snapped back into reality at the sound of the doorbell. Since I was so alert, the sound startled me. Making me jump, and accidentally dropping the plate. I take a breather, and look at the damage I have caused. 'Damn it (Y/N)! You did it again! Stupid butterfingers!' I cursed myself for breaking Edgar's beautiful face, but before I could admonish myself, another thought crosses my mind.

'Who could be at the door? It can't be my new phone, that's coming in two days, and it can't be LeBron James trying to offer me Sprite Cranberry. He ran out last week. So... Who is it?!' I am having an internal conflict, on wether I should open the door, or not. I'm too scared that it might be Big Chungus, but after a few incessant ringing of the door bell I get snapped out of it.

'I should at least check. I shouldn't leave an innocent person there waiting, just because I am paranoid.' I take slow, and steady steps to the door. But before I could even touch the door, the door slams open with a bang, and light comes pouring through the doorway, and into my home, and I get sent back a couple of feet from the tremendous sight.

A sexy, and squishy figure walks in with a friendly, and comely atmosphere. While also walking in with a soft, and welcoming stance. Making all of my past fears melt away, and I also want to give him a big hug. Finally the blinding light subsides, and all that is left is a light glow, and none other than Phil Swift stands in the heart of the room, looking around and his eyes meet mine.

"I'm Phil Swift here, with Flex tape!" Phil Said as he looked over at my kitchen and his Phil Swift senses picks up and he starts walking over to my kitchen. I follow in his steps, and once he's in the kitchen I can see his eyes widen. He turns to face me and says in a loud voice while he still has that iconic smile. "THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE!" Phil Swift runs over to my window, and I try to catch up to him.

Once at the window he takes a piece of Flex tape, and just slaps it on. With the power of Flex tape, and Phil Swift's magic hands my window looks brand new. Except for the pieces of tape that hold the window together, but other than that the window is one hundred percent intact. He then looks down at my plate, and he puts a hand on his chin with a quizzical look on his face. He turns his head to look at me and he gives me a reassuring smile, then he pulls out a some Flex Seal out of nowhere.

"This otta do the trick!" He said with his overly enthusiastic tone. I just stand there, and watch the magic happen. He pours the Flex Seal™  all over the Edgar plate, and then poof! My plate is fixed, but this time I don't even see the Flex Seal. A smile creeps along my face, as I am filled with awe. "Thank you, so much! This is my favorite plate! I don't know how I could repay you!" I said, thankful for him fixing the window mess that would have taken hours for me to complete.

His iconic grin widens after hearing my last statement. "Well... There is one way you could repay me Mortal..." He said, and after I hear what name he referred me to I furrow my eyebrow in confusion. 'Wait. Why did he call me a "mortal"? He isn't really a meme, he is a normal person like me. Unless... He lied about being just a weak human. I'm honestly not surprised, if that's the case.' I thought to myself, and I ask him what he could possibly want.

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