The big side of Chungus

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First person p.o.v
Everything is prepared. I run my hands together and take a deep breath of the forest air. I start to kneel down, but as I'm moving my legs to get a better view of the door. There's a slight pain when I am bending my legs. 'Ah! That's going to be a terrible bruise. Oh well. It is what it is.' I thought to myself while I slide my backpack off my shoulders. I reach into my backpack and try to find a specific item. I move my hand and arm aimlessly in the backpack to feel for it. After feeling around for a good thirty seconds, I found what I was looking for.

I pull out a big ass hammer. Not just any big ass hammer, it was my big ass hammer. "Oh, trusty hammer! You make my backpack weigh ten extra pounds, but I knew you weren't dead weight!" You said as you hugged the completely useless hammer. If your fans saw how you acted towards your hammer. They would probably make a ship out of it.

Third person p.o.v
You stopped your emotional moment, to focus on the real task. You put your hammer in place and started pulling off each individual nail that kept Big Chungus in his dark hole. With the all of the nails off, you start to slowly open the wooden door as it made a loud creaking sound. You flash your flashlight to light up the dark space. Your heart beat grew out of fear, as you see a grey blob speed by the illuminated spot. You try to peer closer to see what that was.

"Boo!" you to jump from your spot and let out a screech. A playful chuckle reaches your ears and you look to see none other than Big Chungus. "Sorry about that. Did I scare a pretty lady like you?" He says and he finally takes a good look at me and he pauses. "Wait! What are you? Are you a lady?" He puts his hand under one of his many chins to think it over. "There's a good solution to this problem..." He looks at over at me, and I wait for his answer. "Can I sniff your crotch?"

He starts to take heavy strides towards you, but before he gets too close you blurt out your answer. "I'M A [Insert gender here]!!" You yelled to confirm your gender, so he doesn't have to go to that extra, just to find out your gender. "Oh! That makes since! Sorry about that, but now that I think about it. You do look familiar."

He said as he tried to recollect a face that he's always wanted to meet in person. A lightbulb went off as Big Chungus was now filled with excitement. "You're that famous dank memer! Congratulations on reaching ten million subscribers." He says as he walks towards your form, and he shakes your hand so fast, because he can't contain his excitement. "It's such an honor to be seeing you in person!"

His fast paced hand shaking slows down as he stops, and looks at you with a big smile. His smile made you feel uncomfortable. It looked like there was something else in that smile, that made you feel uneasy. You shrugged it off, maybe you were just paranoid. "So, what are you doing here?" He inquired while starting into my (e/c) eyes. I looked back into his curious chonker eyes and replied. "I need a ten million subscriber milestone dank meme for my fans... So, I came here for some meme advice and inspiration." I said, hoping that he would have the answer to my problem.

His smile grew wider as he heard my problem. "Well, you've come to the right place, (Y/N)! I have been studying memes and I put all of my discoveries on a spreadsheet for you-! Ah! I mean! You can just take it and leave if you want!" He said in a panic to clarify himself. He coughed and straightened his posture as a lightbulb went off in his head.

"It's just down in my room, we can go get it if you want."  The way he said that put me off. I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I tried to think over what would be the best solution to my situation. 'My subscribers, I can't let them down. So, just suck it up (Y/N)! I'm sure it won't take that long.' I fixed my posture and I take a deep breath before stating my answer. "Sure! Why not." Big Chungus then smiled triumphantly as he walked over to the door and tried to reach down to the door.

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