Behind the Scenes

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© Image belongs to Sws-Sisters and Google Images, respectively

© Jinn belongs to Sws-Sisters

© Aisha belongs to Sws-Sisters

© Cuphead belongs to Studio-MDHR

© Story belongs to me

Sorry I've been out for an indefinite period of time, things have come up, I've moved, so yay, but I'm back, now my schedule will be wonky, but I hope to finish this story. Hope you guys like this new chapter, and thank you to the new and old/loyal followers, love from Chicago to you, and any criticism is greatly appreciated, now let's get into this!

"... Endorsed by the company of hereafter for the duration of time well...What?" Y/n looked over the document the tenth time and the words on the lament papers.

Trying to make sense of all the fumbles upon jumbles of writing Y/n finally threw up her hands and called on her eldest brother by 2 mins, "Cuphead!"

"What, what sis, this the third time I have to stop my paper work to help you. For the record, I'm not an encyclopedia." Cuphead jumped up from his desk across the massive room to read over the sentence Y/n was trying to read. "It just means their soul will be in limbo for however long we see fit before reprocessing them. Just sign underneath that, any other legal questions?" Cuphead smirked. "No jerkwad, 2-3 mins down the line sure." Y/n puffed her cheeks at him. "I kind of guessed so." Cuphead poked one of her plumped blimps, making her expelled the air from them. Mugman watch the scene with a hint of amusement. Even after pulling 10+ hours typing, writing, and categorizing, it was nice to see the childish attitude from his sister and brother hasn't wane, but only grown more stronger.

With the new, lighter atmosphere everyone worked a little faster and cheerfully. Cracking snarky jokes here and there.

About 3 hours later, King Dice pulled all three out to eat dinner since they were behind skipped lunch and got up too early to have breakfast. To see food, Y/n's mouth began to water. "They say the fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach, but I counter the fastest way is his mouth." Cuphead and Mugman looked at their sister weirdly. "Do you just mumble the first thing that comes to mind nowadays?" Cuphead asked. "No, I'm just woke." "Millennials." Mugman answered. "Hey, I'm pretty sure I'm Gen Z." She confidently posed. "Which one T-poses again?" Cuphead snickered to Mugs. "You three sit down and eat, don't make me get Jinn on you." King Dice shouted from the kitchen. All three siblings zoomed to their respective places. After wolfing down their food, all three decided to come back to the paperwork later.

"So, any plans today you guys?" Mugman started, currently the three siblings were in the designated living room, just like another breakroom, but with a flat-screen T.V., 2 sofas, armchairs, and fireplace.

Cuphead was too busy flipping through the channels to hear Mugman's question

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Cuphead was too busy flipping through the channels to hear Mugman's question. A thought crossed Y/n's, "Oh man, I told Derek I didn't want to talk to him after he tried to help me, help us. I have to..." Y/n started to get up and walk towards the door, when Cuphead turned his head in her direction, "Oi sis, you really think he didn't understand the situation, please be happy he's giving you space now..." "because he'll not let you go once your relationship starts." Mugman finished. "Don't ever finish my sentences." Cuphead warn, Mugman just shrugged him off. "Yeah but,.." she tried to argue. "But nothing, if he cares, if he understands, he'll leave you be for a couple of days, besides I bet papa, dad, and everyone else is still wondering about your power." Cuphead stated, finally settling on a wrestling channel. "My, oh, yeah don't ask, because I'm still not sure about that, I just knew, I mean it was kind of obvious, but ya know, I haven't had any other future visions."

This time Cuphead shrugged, "Yeah, well if you do have another epiphany let me know if it's getting away with a another elaborate prank." He chuckled. "Or his downfall." Mugman smirked. "Cut it out you two, besides, wouldn't that mess up history if we fooled around with how things are suppose to run?" Y/n thought.

"Sis, you worry too much, we're devils, since when have we worried about something bad happening to another, hmm?" Y/n's eyes downcast for a moment before lifting again, "Yeah, Yeah, when have we to worry about others." But saying that only made Y/n's mind go to her friends, to her family, to her school even. 'Even though I'm a devil, I can't just not care for the ones that mean the most to me.' She solemnly thought. "Talk about being stuck in-between a rock and a hard place." She spoke finally. "What was that?" Mugman inclined his head towards Y/n. "Uh, nothing, I'm going to visit dad, see how he's recovering." Jerking her finger in the opposite direction. Before her brothers could question her further she dashed out the room and to the infirmary. She was about to open the door when someone else was coming out, "Oh Y/n, what a surprise, King Dice said that you and the boys were finishing the paperwork." Jinn. "Ah Jinn, I was just visiting, uhm, we actually have a lot of paper to finish, we kind of took a break for a while before going back to tackle that behemoth again." Y/n nervously chuckled. A worry expression fell on Jinn features. "Everything alright Y/n, the work isn't too overbearing is it?" She placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, Y/n jerked a bit at that.And it didn't go un notice by Jinn, but she kept quiet. "Uh, the wording can be confusing, but the good thing about two older brothers that know the paperwork is they're a type of dictionary/encyclopedia for me." She chuckled at the joke. Jinn smiled. "Well that good to hear, your father is about to go to sleep, so you better hurry if you want to talk." She said walking away. Y/n enter the room. It's been only a day since the attack and ambush on the casino. The Tipsy Troops, King Dice, and Mr. Wheezy were now on high alert and King Dice has started to draw up plans for a better security system. Things have been hectic to say the least. Maybe this was the reason why she wanted to see her dad, not necessarily to check on him, but for her own reassurance that through his slow healing that things will get better.

Opening the door, Y/n found her dad actually sitting up playing checkers with a non-visible entity. "You know it takes two to play that game right?" Y/n began. The Devil turned his head to the familiar voice. " Well if it isn't my little snake, come to visit an old fart on his deathbed." Y/n only could roll her eye and giggle at her father joke. "I'm not little anymore dad." "Yes, in size, but no in age." Y/n shortened the gap between them. "How is running the casino and watching your brothers going?" To that Y/n flopped uncharacteristically at the foot of his bed. "That bad huh?" He grinned. "Worse, but living with them for my entire life, I was bound to work with them sooner or later." "I always knew you three were going to run the casino right." He reached over and petted her hair. "I'm glad you are doing well, I was a bit worried." Y/n was caught off guard by a roaring laugh by her father. "Sweetheart, I think you keep forgetting, I'm immortal, not even that stab wound could have killed me, besides Dice said it missed all vital organs." "That doesn't mean you should treat it as if you scraped your knee, that was the first time I've seen you bleed, let alone wounded, what was I supposed to think?!" The Devil looked into his daughter's eyes seeing her tear up was the last thing he expected. "Y/n, I am ancient, you have only been around for 17, 18 years now, to you this new, but I want to assure you I'm going to make a full recovery, and then I've been talking with King Dice, Wheezy, Aisha and Jinn, and we, I think you should be homeschooled for the rest of the year." "What!? But what about John, Amaris, Ezikiel, I can't just stop seeing them! And what about prom? I am not going with my dad, that is so uncool, and graduation, did you figure in graduation?" 'How could they do this to me, close to prom and graduation too, what are parents thinking when they do these things?!" "Y/n Bathsheba Jezebel Persephone Artemis, you will not question my decision, this is for safety reasons. You said yourself back then that Gabriel goes to your school in deguise, what if something were to happen?"

"You can't protect me all the time, I can fight him,.." "Fight him you really think after your little stunt you pulled 5 months ago, that you could honestly take him, you jumped in front of me, your life was extinguished not mine!" Y/n marched herself to the door, but before slamming it, she turned and said, "Yeah well, I wanted to play a friendly game of checkers with you, but I guess some players just can't be kinged." Now Y/n for sure wasn't going to give John two days for space, she needed to see him now. Sneaking out the back doors since everyone was preparing the bar and kitchen and play area for the visitors tonight. She put on her deguise and ran to John's house. 

Cuphead Demon AU: Brothers Cuphead and Mugman x Baby! Sister! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now